I wish there was a way to show automation points at all times, like it used to be.
Add the optional feature-request tag to your post, please.
Optionally, search the forum (probably Cubase forum) for this feature-request. If I’m not mistaken it exists already.
Thanks Martin. Done.
Yes, it would be fantastic if they could add that option back for us. I’m sure that function was removed to make the project window seem less cluttered.
But it gets really frustrating having to highlight an automation point to see any automation, only to have it disappear when you click on anything else in the project window. Mixing two 200+ track live shows (one orchestral show and the other a gospel show) where there is tons of clip editing and automation happening simultaneously has been tough with this workflow.
You should see them just by hovering over the automation area.
Yes, I know, but when you move your cursor away or click on anything for editing it disappears. That’s what I’m talking about. I want the automation points to remain visible while I’m editing.
Agreed. I can’t fathom why someone thought it was a good idea to show much needed information only on hover.
Nuendo’s GUI is quite heavy on this “hovering-only” elements. I find this extremely tiresome. It’s especially obvious when I come back from a production on ProTools, which relies on a remarkably “quiet” and concise GUI, with lots of information using only minimal screen real-estate.