Am I going right in the assumption MIDI messages back to a controller aren't an option as of now?

DAWs such as Cubase and Ableton display the currently controlled VST parameter and the currently active track / VST in the midi controller display (Launchkey in my case).

Does this even work with VST Live currently?

Or is this only possible because of Novation’s scripts leveraging the Remote API?

Apparently it’s on the list

Alright, thanks!

Idk, don’t we have any more complete VST host out there that isn’t lacking in features?

Are Cantabille or Gig Performer capable of doing that?

VST Live is a cool idea, but it’s much too young to be able to truly complete with Ableton… And Ableton is just too bulky for live usage (or in my case abusing a MIDI controller for home playing).

Honestly… I’m not the founder of this app, just an user:

  • I don’t think it wanted to compeete with Ableton
  • For me it does much more then Ableton would do…

Comparing the two apps (VSTLive and Ableton) is like apple to pears.

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At least here the developers actually listen to their audience and add requested features, and they are active in this forum rather than hiding behind “customer service”.
It can take time but some feature are more complex to integrate than others.

… that’s correct!

See you

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That’s great, thank you!

While you’re at it, don’t you think it would make sense to implement the feature as part of the bigger requirement for MIDI Controller scripts?

In Cubase you’ll have support for lots of MIDI Controllers like Launchkeys, Keysteps, and so on.

Being a developer myself I understand this would be a bigger task and the scripts are (to my knowledge) provided by the manufacturers anyway, and not created by Steinberg. To avoid having to rewrite scripts for each controller, and to not depend on the manufacturers here, would it perhaps be an option to add an “experimental” feature for execution of the Cubase scripts within VST Live, on a ‘do what you can, and ignore all the rest / keep running and don’t crash’ basis?

Programmatically I’d imagine this as supporting at least the features / API endpoints in VST Live that have counterparts in Cubase. For instance, the piano roll (Key Editor), the timeline, the Quick Controls, the Mixer exist in a limited / reduced version also in VST Live.

If the manufacturers scripts make use of features not present in VST Live (for instance the reason for this thread / displaying the MIDI CC parameter names on the display of the midi controller), couldn’t you just ignore those API calls, and keep the script running?

What’s your mindset towards such ‘experiental features’?

Do you have a policy to only implement what’s to 100% doable, or would you be willing to temporarily implement experimental features until you find time to add all requirements for those to work properly?

Hi @90110n,

… just make sure: You are talking about the “Cubase MIDI Remote” feature, yes? This is a Cubase only feature.

See you,

Alright, thanks for the info. I assume there won’t be any script support in VST Live then?

Two questions:

  1. Do you have an approximate ETA for when the two way data transfer I originally asked about will be supported? Are we talking about months or about years?

  2. What information do you plan to support? Will the current song / part name be sent back to the midi controller too? That’s about equally important for me, as the VST parameters are.

Anyway, I’ll hold off from buying until this is a thing. I don’t need VST Live for stage performance, just for home practice using different instruments in a headless VST host setup – I won’t always have a monitor in front of me.

Ableton is probably the more suitable alternative here, even though it’s more clunky.

… I’ve added it to the Feature-Requests list. But I cannot say when or if it will be added.

… sorry, we don’t mention any release dates. Because we’ve learned that customer were disappointed when we did not released a feature in time.

… well, VST Live is 2.5 years old. We did a lot in the past and we don’t stop to continue our work. This feature is an important piece in the puzzle. We’ll do out best to get it done in time.

Hold on, that’s another topic. Your MIDI Device is showing what on your display? It shows the name of the selected track, selected VST Parameter and Value and the name of the project? Mixer Channels are visualised, too? What kind of hardware are we talking about?

See you,

In Cubase I only get the VST Parameter name + Value.

In the Ableton Trial I tested I get both, track and Parameter name + value. Track name is displayed permanently unless I use a knob.

I’m using a Launchkey 49 MK4 for testing purposes, but later on this needs to work on a full Launchkey 88 MK3. As of now I only tested on the 49 MK4.