An open plea to Steinberg

Winter Rat, was it already too late when i posted this problem/request back in July 2015??

come on now. We still have to resort to using a hex editor and hacking our vst3 plugins to change their name? And this has been a major flaw in the Plugin Manager since it was introduced in C7.5.

Too late for C9 pffft give me a break. If its not fixed in C9 it will be a great big slap in the face for Cubase users and this forum. Why it wasnt already fixed in C8 (plenty of posts about this as soon as C7.5 came out) or even C8.5 (ignored) is bewildering. Only possibility is that $teinberg dont listen to their users or read this forum.

Lets see how many more half-baked new features they pile on top with C9 instead of going back and fixing features like this one they introduced several versions ago.

Im very much looking forward to C9. WE…SHALL…SEE.