An USB Key For C9 & an other for C7 ?


I have two computer, my old one is less powefull that my main computer.

I want to use my old Cubase 7 pro on my old computer. My main computer has C9 pro. Is it necessary to have an other USB key ?… or is my actual USB key will do the job just by alternating the USB key on each computers … do i have to buy an other USB key ? ANYWAY WHAT I HAVE TO DO TO MAKE this THINGS WORK ?


you can use use your usb key also on your old computer. you could also use cubase 9 there instead of cubase 7.

I just want to be sure ? …are you sure ?

yes, iam sure! :wink:

Yes I am sure too. Well about using your key on both.
If C9 runs on your old computer depends on the OS. Needs to be win7 or higher and 64 bit.

Yes, you can load any version of Cubase ie C6, C7,C8,C9 on your computer(s) and use the 1 USB key to run any version. Of course you can only run the program when the dongle is in the computer. However you cannot buy 2 dongles to run the program on both computers at the same time, for that you need to buy a second licence.