Analysis/Loudness view

Hello, i found very usefull the Loudness view on audio files in WL10.
I understand that the Analysis view replace it, and his ability to work on Montage is so usefull, but i miss the 3 target lines… They were very good to instantely control the loudness.
When i analyse, i can’t figure out what is the level exept by pouting the mouse on the line to see the value.
Would it be possible to have this target lines ?
Or may be i’m doing the wrong way ?

This is hardly feasible, because the different curves, that can appear next to each other, don’t share the same scaling.

Thank you for your reply.
Is there a place for something like 2 or 3 windows in the Analysis view, showing values like LU, Short Term Max, LRA…etc for the Montage if nothing is selected or for the file if selected ?
I know i have that in the Global Analysis view but it’s another window and not for Montage.

I don’t really see what you mean.

Is there a way to see the numerical values somewhere (in the Analysis window for ex) when we do an Analyse ?
It would be nice for me to see at least the LUFS and Short Tem Max, but select what we whant to see would be the best.

If you want numerical values, I recommend using this new tool instead, available both for the audio file and montage editors.
