Annoying glitch in Galley V > Filter active > note input + arrow down/up

I will describe this with 3 images.

  1. I am in Galley View, caret active and filter is also active. The filter is active because of D.-s player/instrument concept. Good concept! Below Clarinet 2 is the Bass Clarinet, hidden by filter, belongs to the same player:

  1. I hit arrow down to get caret to Fagotto 1. The screen jumps to the beginning of the FIRST flow and caret seems to be still active but it is not visible. I can only imagine that the caret would be somewhere on Bass Clarinet stave… but where and why? I have hidden that stave with filter and obviously do not want to enter notes there.

  1. one more down arrow and the caret now resides in Fagotto 1 where I wanted it in the first place. But the view has shifted so that the caret and the bar are on the far left of the screen. This is the second unwanted behaviour.

Could this behaviour be changed? Up/down arrows should move the caret to the next VISIBLE stave… that is my opinion.
This behaviour renders up/down arrow commands unusable (for me at least). In opera score there are too many hidden instruments/singers and using filters is a must to fit necessary performers in the view.

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Indeed, I agree that this is something we need to change. It’s on the backlog.


+1 vote for fixing this :slight_smile: