Annoying note volume when selected

Hi! When I click on a note in order to select it, I hear the note at very high volume each time (probably 127). Louder than the general playback volume of my piece. I wonder if there is a way to lower that note volume by default or something. Any clue?

Thanks for you help!


Unfortunately, I do not think there is yet. But I second you here, it would be useful to have a setting for that.

Merci Marc. Mais comment savoir si les suggestions de modifications sont prises ou seront prises en compte dans les prochaines versions?

This will certainly be specified in the pdf version history.

J’ai remarqué cela aussi ! Il faut bien lire les pdf Version history, tout sera certainement bien précisé.

Anyway, Daniel Spreadbury does read every single post of this forum. If that’s a good idea, he’ll let us know.

This is on the backlog for future implementation.

Thanks Daniel!
Joss, la proposition est donc étudiée et sera vraisemblablement implémentée dans une future version (pas nécessairement la prochaine, au passage).

Can I add on a bit by saying the note should be played back as it is in a “full run”.

The most glaring example I bounce into regularly is that pizz. strings play back arco.

Hope that this will be also taking care of in the future. Thanx to all for your answers.