In the attached image I would like to beam together the notes in each measure of the left hand. Is there an easy way to do it?
Select the time signature and press return: the popover to (re)define it will appear. Change the entry to [2]/4, and press Return/Enter. Dorico will now try to interpret whole bars as groups of quavers/eighths, and beam accordingly.
Of course, alternatively, if everything else fails, there are commands to adjust beaming locally, but that’s tedious and to be avoided.
I sometimes forget that changing the time signature this way can help out with beaming.
Unfortunately, your suggestion had no effect. The file is an xml imported from Finale. Could that have an affect?
Do you have any time signature signposts? Turn on View > Signposts to check.
It’s quite well possible (even very likely) that the Finale XML contains hard-coded beaming, which will not be affected by changing the time signature in Dorico. What happens if you select all notes and choose ‘Reset Beaming’ from one of the menus? (Sorry, I can’t look it up easily now, I guess it’s the Edit or Write menu in Write Mode. Otherwise, it’s in the right-click pop-up menu. Or type J for the Jump bar and type a few letters of this command…)
That worked. Thanks for the answer.