Any easy way to fill out Title, Flow Name, Composer, etc. at the same time for all parts?


Is there any easy way to fill out Title, Flow Name, Composer, etc. at the same time for all parts? Or atleast a quicker way than doing this all individually?

Project Info, Ctrl-I (or Cmd on Mac).

To be very clear: do not double click to edit the text frames on individual pages. Use Project Info.

If you’ve already double clicked on the text frames on individual pages, if you’re in Pro you can go to the right panel of Engrave mode, right-click on the first page (which will have a red corner) and click Remove Overrides. That will reset the fields so that they correctly refer to what you’ve typed in Project Info. You’ll need to do this separately for each layout you’ve manually edited.

If you’re in Elements or SE, your best bet is to delete the affected layouts (apart from the score) from the right panel of Setup mode, then use Setup > Create Default Part Layouts. Create a new Full Score layout from the bottom of the right panel, then delete the old one.

For instructions on how to customise the text frames, search the manual for Master Pages.

Oh wow, Thanks so much!

Okay, definitely will be helpful!! (I’m in Pro)

Here’s a breakdown of the information shown by default in a full score layout and how that relates to the fields in Project Info and master pages/flow headings.