Any news on when Nuendo 14 will be available?

Any news on when Nuendo 14 will be available?

Maybe someone knows more than others…

Maybe with the start of NAMM?


Sometime after it is ready for us, but definitely before the next major version.

What can’t be done in N13, that can be done in C14?

Yes, I know the release date. I’ll edit this post at a future time to add the info :slight_smile:

At least one less thing than c14 can’t do that Nuendo 14 can do.

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Yes, I could imagine that too.
A Steinberg presentation now in January at the NAMM Show next week, where they’ll be presenting their whole product range including Nuendo 14. And then there will probably be also another update of Cubase 14.

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Hopefully N13, gets an update by then.

Today? :innocent:


Crossing fingers for Nuendo 14 announcement (or at least a preview) in the next day or two! Anyone at NAMM please post what you see at the Yamaha/Steinberg booth!


The Yamaha ballroom is my first stop when exhibits open for the first time Thurs morning.


We’re counting on you! Don’t forget your password for the forum, and send us a report right after you visit!


Will it contain anything that Cubase does not?

Yes… otherwise it’d just be Cubase.


As, far as updates are concerned…

It may be eol for 13
14 promises new phase and maybe a shift towards a new architecture.


I’m wondering, whether there may be new features slated for Nuendo, that won’t be in Cubase, for some time in the future considering how innovative Steinberg have been of late.

Let me gaze into my crystal ball.
SB licenses the grid from bigwig for SoundDesign and Games.
Integrates automatic voice cloner that automatically generates patches for unusable location audio from bidirectional stream.
An 7.1.4 upmixer Etcetera etcetera…
Tighter file exchange from Adobe Premiere and Davinci Resolve possibly fcpxml based round tripping
Let’s wait and see.

I am curious as to what that might bring, since I use Resolve, for still image slideshows that are synchronised to music, using .srt files (Resolve does not support .vtt files, even though the company claims it does).

Fortunately, Resolve supports .flac audio export now but will I one day be able to dispense with the (video) application or is the idea just to merely export from Steinberg products, and import only audio related data?

I disagree that they have not been innovative, there were a lot of new features that were very useful to me and were new.
I’m not against more innovation, but (smaller) workflow improvements have a lot of value as well.

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