Any plugin management tool available or planned?


Is there any plugin management tool available, in order to sort plugins exactly as I want even if the plugin are installed in a different folder structure? OS folder Structure VS. Sorted by manufacturers is definitely not the best way to go.
(manufacturers sometimes releases plugins adding Inc. at the end of their name sometimes not, that makes 2 folders, sometimes 1 space between words, sometimes 2…thats chaotic) We should be able to override this by renaming values in cubase.

This would be my #1 update request for C7.

Imagine an internal cubase vst browser/tool where you can organise plugins arborescence(tree-view) with drag/drop, user defined folder names, custom menu-tree, like we do in windows or any OS… but without moving DLLs, uninstalling-reinstalling VSTs, etc just using a simple shortcuts system to the actual dlls locations.

Come on steinberg team, make our dream comes true :wink: