Any way of reliably using Markers in Folder tracks?

Hello! I’m producing podcasts, that are more on the complex side and usually involve multiple feedback rounds and lots of people giving their input usually via comments with a time stamp. I’ve figured my way around to create csv files which I can then import as markers. Loving it so far, but:

I’m using an “All” folder track where everything’s going Including said marker tracks. If I need to make major structural changes, I just cut the folder track and move things around, works great even with automation etc., except for the markers. They just stay in the same location.

It works and actually moves the markers when I use the range selection tool and the folder track and then use “delete time”. Any idea on I could literally tie the markers to my structure?


Unfortunately Marker Events are not taken as an events for the Folder Track, same as the Signature, Tempo or Transpose.

Same problem here. I often get projects from colleagues that contain totally useless marker tracks because of that.

@grafworks I know it’s off-topic but I’d be very interested in the way you convert the clients comments into csv files. Or more precisely: what platform for client approval and commenting do you use and how do you retrieve the timestamps and comments? Or do your clients need to type actual timecode into a document?
I’ve given up on that some time ago and just move my way through the project beginning with the last comment, which is not ideal.

Cheers, Alex

Haha, yea I have done this as well, working backwards through the feedback, indeed not ideal!

Concerning the CSV-thing: Well I’ll be happy to explain! Although this requires a little bit of tech-knowledge, a bit of manual work and literally is a “work around”. I wouldn’t bother when it’s just 10-20 comments honestly, but since I’ve been getting 200-300 comments per file, this saved my life.

So we’re using Filepass (little bit like Dropbox web interface). You can send out client links and they’re presented with a waveform of the audio and a list for comments on the right hand side. Clients can just click anywhere on the waveform to add a comment on that specific spot. Range markers are also available but we never used those. You can also zoom in a little.

So this list on the right hand side fills up, displaying Name, Position in the Audio (unfortunately not as proper TC but rather “Marker @mm:ss” so it isn’t super precise), the actual comment and then a date this comment has been created. I use Chrome’s “Inspect Element” and use a little bit of CSS “display:none;” stuff to hide the Name and Date elements, so I’m just left with Position and actual Comment.

Then I’d copy the entire list into a capable text editor like Atom or Sublime Text and start formatting things. First, find and replace any actual commas in the comments, so it won’t mess up the CSV file. Then I use find and replace “Marker @” with “00:” to get it closer to actual TC. Since there’s no subframes or ms provided from Filepass, I’d manually add “:00” to the end of every Timestamp. That’s why I said “capable text editor”, cause you’d need to edit multiple lines simultaneously in order to be efficient. Now just replace the line breaks with actual commas, and let your editor get rid of any empty lines. The last thing you’d need to check only if your file is longer than one hour, you’d need to manually transfer Minutes to Hours within the TC since Filepass goes like “Marker @65:10”. When your file is nice and clean you could just save it as .csv and hope for Nuendo to handle it nicely :smiley:

Sounds like a big effort at first, but once you get used to it, it’s super efficient. A list of like 300 comments would take me like 5minutes of work in total. Hope this helps, if you have any questions let me know!

Thanks for elaborating on this! Wow! 300 comments are quite a lot. That amount may indeed be worth the effort. But this CSS hacking stuff is just one step too far for me.
Just yesterday I was checking out for our company as a tool for reviewing. And guess what: they do have csv export with actual timecode that Nuendo can read. Only downside is that you don’t have a waveform display since it is primarily a platform for video. But as long as your clients can handle a normal bar slider as in Quicktime or Media Player this shouldn’t be an issue.

But now I don’t want to hijack your thread any longer. Sorry!
Let’s keep talking about the marker issue.
How about leaving the marker track(s) out of your All-folder track wouldn’t this work for you?

Oh well, I’m very happy we’re talking about this, Thanks for the hint, I’ve just suggested to check out for one of my biggest clients. Direct csv export is a big deal indeed. The fact, that there is no waveform displayed actually helps, cause people tend to listen with their eyes and mistake little phase shifts for massive volume differences which aren’t there! :smiley: However, I miss the possibility of zooming in a little, especially when you got like 1hr episodes. Makes precise comments rather difficult.

Try holding Shift while scrolling through the timeline. :wink: