Anyone successfully using 'MemZap'?

Aloha guys,

Just curious about if folks are using this feature.
Did a forum search and found a thread about
this feature but it was back in January

Because of my workflo I did not think I would use
it at all; but now months later I realize I use it quite often.

Is MemZap woikin’ for you? :slight_smile:

TIA (thanks in advance)

Watched a video on Memzap, but sort of didn’t get it… What’s it good for?

Does Cubase have a “Zoom Toggle”-like functionality? That is - I can save a particular zoom level for an event and when I click on any event and hit the “Zoom Toggle” key, it zooms into that preset level. If I hit the key again, it zooms back out to the previous zoom level.

I thought MemZap would do this, but it is specific to a particular section of the project, not generic.

I tried it but it wasnt what I was after.
I find all the zooming in and out a real pain in cubase when your doing heavy editing.

I think few people have managed to understand what it does, how to set it and how to recall it.

Nice but badly named short-cut. It works exactly as Charlemagne explained above. You have to set up the key commands yourself, though. Zoom->Zoom Mem saves the current view, and Zoom->Zoom Zap switches back and forth between the saved view and the current view. Very handy.

EDIT to the score users: Zoom Mem/Zap doesn’t seem to work in score.

I never tried it there. Thanks for that info.

in some editing scenarios the MemZap can be very handful… the problem i think is in our adaptation to new functions(especially if its not daily used), we usually sticks with our old methods even if its actually less efficient. :exclamation:
i even forgot about some of those new functions in C7 !!!
need some Brain MemZap function :wink:

Brainzap +1

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