It will be great to know something about the “new video engine”.
Also about the 7.5 and any new things about Nuendo.
too much silence.
It will be great to know something about the “new video engine”.
Also about the 7.5 and any new things about Nuendo.
too much silence.
In q4/2016 they said they were on track for a q1 2017 release with testing in feb.
So the release could be some time in march.
I’m dying for news as well, tough. It’s usually pretty quiet in q1 for me, so now would be my preferred updating and testing period for the studio as well.
Yes but I thought the new video engine will be something that will come before the new update.
(Is the fact that QT died for win is our problem? What kind of video engine the Cubase have?)
I think in the last few years we did had some bones before the release.
this link is old and doesnt say nothing.
Maybe because there’s nothing to say?
In this case no news is good news I guess. Looks like we will be able to install the update with the engine in 2 months. I really hope it’s rock solid, otherwise I will stay with Nuendo 7.1
I would love an update as well.
It’s been too long to leave Nuendo users without an update to the software or at least more info about it… I mean, we can’t even use Retrologue 2 yet! Not cool.
Nuage just released an update and if you check compatibility for Nuendo it’s up to 7.1.30
Good catch! Unless that is a typo, there must be an update in the works. I’m thinking, it will be a maintenance update given the number.
Some said that in May this year, some said that in March this year, indeed from the previous version is already 15 years of things, and feel nuendo have been left out, cubase is the main force. After all, to the 9.
If people know when it is going to be released, they will be under NDA, a non-disclosure agreement. Anyone here saying when it is going to be released is just guessing.
The problem with software development is release dates often slip. If they announce that the update is going to be released in say 4 weeks and they miss it, they look bad. We may simply have to wait.
Steinberg have been pretty solid with their expected release dates for many years now. You can count on a new Cubase version being released during the first week of December. So their team must be doing something right…
I have to admit that I am dying for that separate loop and recoding in/out points feature for quite a while now. It’s annoying to see this was implemented in Cubase and you cannot have this for what feels like two years now in Nuendo/NEK.
Well, we’ve been here before. They have announced the video engine update for the next 8 weeks, so there will be an update. Let’s see how far away we are from the next real new feature update.
7.5 version has not been updated, how to 8.0? This has never happened.
The special offer is valid until 20. Feb
maybe that has something to say