What happens if you add another identical line?
I think we’re on to something big here
mOnColorChange and mOnTitleChange triggers when you hover your finger over the control, that’s what!
Four times must use eye tracking then
You get to four, you’ll be needing a DeLorean to get back.
Please never add a callback within another callback, it’s undefined behaviour.
Hi, I’ve checked my script, I’ve nowhere nested callbacks. Can’t even remember why I’ve done this in this test
Stop it already anirGPT!
I’ve just checked your script and I see no issue on my Macbook. Maybe it’s on Windows only?
Jochen, could you please have a look at this thread too?
I would really like to know whether this is the expected behaviour, because if it is, I really have to adapt my script to use just subpages instead of pages. This would of course create a lot of headache.
But my friend, I never complained about such issues in my own script
That would be me
Hi, there
After I disable/enable midi track, mOnTitleChange function did not work?,The instrument track has no problem. Is this a bug only midi track?
I have also had this happen and started numbering the pages name with digits at the beginning 01 arranger, 02 audio plugins, etc.
An oppurtunity to save lots of time was missed with the paging in my view. I think (if not an option perhaps or default) that page 1 should be considered the ‘main’ page, and only things that exist on a subsequent page overwrite/ become active and anything that hasn’t; stays the same. They’ve made building the controller from a GUI/interadctive point of view super quick, only to be slowed down by tones of replication. I know you can duplicate the first page, but I find it’s only a matter of days until I realise something I did was not that good or there is a better way, then I have to go and change that 8 times in some cases. I dunno, takes too long. it should be drag command (where possible) onto Botton or knob like most other DAW’s. Love cubase but ill admit it is very slow at this kind of thing sometimes.