API was not initialized

SpectraLayers Pro11

An error occurs when starting after updating. “API was not initialized”
How to solve the problem?

not enough information
there are at least five released builds of SL Pro 11


Not that I could fix your issue, yet some pertinent info is going to be required :slight_smile:

OS os is Windows11 Home.

Please give more information.
You did an update of SpectraLayers?
You are starting SpectraLayers as standalone software or as ARA plugin?
SpectraLayers starts and just shows the error message?
SpectraLayers starts, shows the error and crashes afterwards?
SpectraLayers does not start at all but shows the error?
Is there more to the error message than just “API was not initialized”?

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Hi, can you please try to re-install the version via SDA?