Apparent midi learn bug in VST Live 2

Alright guys, I’m not sure if I’m ever buying VST Live, but let me report on a few bugs due to the exceptional support here.

If I clean all settings in VST Live 2 and then create a project with a Launchkey 49 mk4 as midi input device and Kontakt library 8 as VST within a layer, I cannot midi learn the knobs within Kontakt’s Noire library or HAlion Sonic. Also not the Quick Control knobs.

They don’t react / don’t get picked up by the Launchkey and stay in midi learn mode.

MIDI monitor in VST live shows the MIDI events, so it’s got something to do with the VSTs.

The same setup however works just fine in VST Live 1, also after cleaning all settings.

I set MIDI channel to ANY for the Launchkey and the VST / Kontakt.


… I guess you have the Visual MIDI Lear control active, yes?

… I am not sure what you are expecting? If the Visual MIDI Learn control is active, all Params which are possible to learn are visual marked with a white rectangle. If you want to learn the control, click to it and it turns to a yellow rectangle. Now the control listen to any MIDI event and learns it.
VST Live is not able to transfer this workflow directly to the UI of the Plug-In.

That’s a bug. And I am really sorry for that one. We’ll fix it with high prio. But there is a workaround. Open the “Actions and Shortcuts” and select LAYERS. There you can select Quick1 to Quick8. Enable LEARN and there you go.

… I don’t know how. The Quick-Control visual MIDI Learn workflow was broken there, too.

See you,

Thanks for clearing the quick control issue up!

I wasn’t expecting VST Live to display a white rectangle, but Noire Piano VST (as pretty much any VST) has its own midi learn functionality that can be accessed by right clicking on the Knobs, and selecting ‘learn midi automation’.

It would hang in this state, displaying ‘cancel learn’ and ‘learn midi automation’ in the right click context menu, even though I was turning the knob on my midi controller. And of course the virtual knob didn’t move at all.

Effectively it behaved as it would if I hadn’t yet interacted with my midi controller yet.

… ah, I see. Let me check,