Applying dynamics to only one staff of a Grand Staff

I would like to apply dynamic markings to only one staff of a piano player’s Grand Staff.

For example, consider a passage in which the pianist’s right hand transitions from mf to mp to fff while the left hand plays back at mf throughout. I’d want to alter the playback dynamics of only the right hand while the left hand continues to sound at the same mf level.

I seem to remember a forum member describing an easy way to do this some years ago by selecting one staff of the Grand Staff, entering a dynamic marking normally through the Shift-D pop-up, and then closing the pop-up with Alt-Enter, instead of Enter. But I can’t find that thread today and nothing in the user manual seems on-point.

And I think now that I must be misremembering something because that procedure doesn’t seem to work today.

I believe that there are ways to apply playback dynamics to only one staff of a Grand Staff if each staff contains only one voice (mine don’t) and although I haven’t explored that topic in depth, I fear that it might be too cumbersome for what I want to do – especially since I’ll want dynamics to apply to both staves most of the time.

Hi @cundare, maybe are you looking for this?:

Be sure to activate Independent Voice Playback for that track, in Play mode:

The thread at your link may confirm what I feared: That the only way to do what I want is to rewrite my keyboard parts (or split them among multiple duplicate instruments) so that there is only one voice per staff.
Is that how you interpret that, too?

Well, maybe some other user has figured out a way to do what I want, but the discussion at the link suggests that the reason I was able to enter independent dynamics in the past with Alt-Enter was because at the time I was writing for one voice per staff.

@cundare, if the method of independent voice playback doesn’t suite your needs, being your piece a piano piece, that only uses velocities for dynamics, you can (without using independent voice playback) first write the dynamics in your score as desired (without caret and Alt). Only the dynamic entered on the upper staff will be used for all the voices. You can then easily edit the velocities (and consequently the dynamic) for the left hand (lower staff) separately, using the powerful editing functionalities of the key editor. here a video with the demonstration: