Are VST Connect Pro ( and SE Version (5.00.526) both compatible VST Connect perfomer 5?

I have Nuendo 11 which is supplied with both VST Connect Plug Ins
VST Connect Pro 4 ( and VST Connect Se (5.00.526)
Are both versions compatible with VSt Connect performer 5?
Or should I use VST Connect Pro 4 ( with the latest version of VST Connect performer 4?

You need to match Connect/Performer versions (within reason)…so If you want to use v4 Pro then use V4 performer.

V5 has some more features but if you need things like ‘multitrack’ then V4 PRO is the way to to. And always use the latest version of V4 or V5 on both ends.

Just as an aside - the PRO version of both V5/V4 needs a separate licence so N11 doesn’t come supplied with v4 PRO

Ah OK. This is good to know.
Under VST Cloud Drop Down Menu in Nuendo 11 on my PC there are both - VST Connect Pro and VST Connect SE. When I create a VST Connect Pro intance I don’t get any license error.That’s why I assumed both versions were supllied with Nuendo 11. So VST Connect Pro in Nuendo 11 is a trial version?

sometimes the elicenser (if you have one) has a 24 hour ALL PRODUCT licence ? I’m not aware of N11 trial coming with a VST connect PRO trial too ?

As you’ve spotted, Connect SE is the free one and PRO is the licensed one. If the PRO one is working then happy days :slight_smile: