I’ve tried to use the Garritan audio engine in Dorico. I get the engine in the player, i assign instruments, everything looks good, but no sound! I assign instruments as instructed, the Aria engine shows the instrument and can play the audio, but when i press play in dorico, i hear nothing. .
Can you upload a sample Dorico file that shows the problem?
Just got this…I will try to upload it tomorrow. Thanks!
I have this short test version of what I am working on. Please have a look and tell me where I went wrong with including the Aria Engine. Thank you!
Symphony No. 1_MM IV_Short.dorico (754.9 KB)
The first problem is that you’re using the “Default” Expression Map, which sets dynamic volume using Note Velocity (how hard you hit the key), rather than CC1 (Modulation Wheel).
You could try again using the Mod Wheel expression map, but I have created a whole bunch of Expression Maps for GPO5, which will also work for the GIFF Finale-bundled instruments. You’ll find them in the link in Christian’s post.
Also: Are you on a Mac, or Windows?
I see this in the VST instruments list.
The exclamation marks mean it’s not available on my computer. If you see the same thing, that would explain it, but if you don’t, then that’s not the problem.
If you still have problems after changing the expression maps, then you’ll have to post screenshots of the ARIA player window.
Here is a pic of my VST screen. No !! points. Maybe you are using a different Aria Engine, not sure. I will try the expression maps to see what happens. I’ll post the results after I try it.
Using a windows machine
OK, that’s one thing ruled out. (There are annoying differences between the Mac and Win versions of ARIA.)
Try the Dorico “built-in” Modulation Wheel expression map first; then have a go with my ones.
And where do I find the “built-in” Mod Wheel? Also, where do I put the Expression Maps? File in Dorico folder?
I have had some moderate success, except not all the instruments play and the notes are chopped off. Here is what I have now:
Symphony No. 1_MM IV_Short 2.dorico (754.2 KB)
Which ones don’t play? Could it be that they are playing staccato, or some other short-length sample?
The woodwinds brass and percussion in the 1st Aria Engine. No there are mostly long tones. In the strings they notes are all sustained, but they are not being played full length.
Okay, I have had some success, but still am not getting all the instruments to sound thru the Aria Engine. I am attaching my complete movement for anyone who wants to help. Please, this is my work DON’T STEAL. I am a member of ASCAP.
Symphony No. 1_MM IV_TEST.dorico (1.9 MB)
if you don’t want your music in the public domain, do not post it here! We don’t need the notes – just the document.
Some screenshots of the ARIA Player window would be useful, too.
I am using 3 Aria Engines. The first one has the Brass and Woodwinds and the Timp. The Second the Percussion and the third the Strings. I am getting no sound from the 2nd and 3rd Aria Engines.
That Endpoint Setup image shows that there are no instruments assigned to that instance of ARIA, except for the Chords.
Select the Track Inspector, and then click on each Instrument, and see what VST and channel (and Expression map) is set.
For example, here’s a project with a piano, showing that it is assigned to ARIA Player on channel 1.