Arming Audio Channels for record, Multi channel USB input

When setting up Multi Track recording from my CQ Mixer (USB Interface) to a Cubase 14 Project I created 8 Mono Input channels for audio input in the audio connections window. Cubase created 8 sequentially numbered tracks.

The Mixer gives a possible 24 track in via USB

I was using mixer channels 1, 2, 3, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16. (My 8 tracks required for input)

As the tracks coming from the mixer are not sequential ie Track 1, 2, 3, 10 etc I reassigned the audio ins to the correct mixer USB output track in the Audio Connections Window…

I then set up the Audio Tracks in the Daw to record.
I added 8 tracks and let cubase auto create them as a sequence 1-8. This also auto assigns the inputs which would need to be realigned with the actual inputs in use.

I then when into each individual Channel Settings edit window individually to assign each track to its intended input and arm the track for record.

The first 3 tracks which were sequential as audio inputs armed ok.

However I could not arm any of the other tracks after. ie 10, 12, 13, 15, 16.

What am I missing, or is this a C14 bug?

Did you also rename them in audio connections. If not then the inputs you need to select at track level are still 1-8, the reassignment was already done in audio connections.
Though I’d be surprised if you were able to select non existing channels.
Some screencaps might help if that doesn’t solve anything.

I think I did, Im just revisiting the process and approaching it slightly differently taking each step as a seperate process. I have managed now to get all tracks armed.
It was clear that the sequence of the workflow here is important, use the wrong sequence and they won’t arm. Still not clear to me where I went wrong but I never trust my memory these days. But it’s also clear if the workflow process is wrong the system seems to show everything is OK on the track naming visibility side but not necessarily on the coded logic underlying it. I’ll be happy when I can see exactly where I went wrong.
The fun of learning eh…

Cheers, thanks for response.