Arrangertrack from cubase to vst live

I want to export a song from Cubase and import it into VST Live (2.1.33). The song has an arranger track.

Unfortunately, when I import the song I don’t get the individual parts of the arranger track, but only a single part.

In the XML file I see that the individual parts are listed.

My expectation would be that in VST-Live I would get a track with the individual parts of the song. Can you tell me what I’m doing wrong.
Kind regards, Heiko

and have you ticked it for exporting arranger track too? (Meanwhile it will appear as “SONG track”). Tested now using File/VST Live - Export (from C14)

Ohh: @Spork , it seems when importing DAWproject to VL, the Cubase’s arranger track is not appearing as Song track in VL. Is that because the limitation of DAWproject format?

Hi @Heyo,

The Import-Dialog of VST Live for a “Media Project” has various import-settings. Make sure …

… that “Create Parts” and “Create Triggers” are ticked. After the “Media Project” was imported, select TRACKS and add a “Song Track” to it

Then it should look something like this :

See you,

Hi @fkalmus,

Yes, the Arranger Track is not part of the DAWproject API.

See you,

Thank you, then nothing to do with

Thanks for your feedback.
ok, I tried this and it works.

My mistake was that I created a song and then went to the Song/Import Song (TRACKS only) menu.

Maybe as a feature request: the arranger track is also imported correctly with this type of import.

Thanks for the help.
Kind regards, Heiko