Art Net Interface does not Work in VST Live

Hi there,

does anybody have experience in VST Live regarding Art-Net configuration?

My Art-Net Interface:
eurolite PoE Art-Net Node 1 dxt Series
Link: Click here for product infos
Manual: Click here for the manual

In the appendix you can see the configuration of the Art-Net interface.

I´ve done a test with the “MagicQ” Software. Without special configuration steps I can control the dmx channels of the fixture.

In VST Live, I´ve tried all available entries.
I created a dmx track, set the input to DMX-Mixer and the Output to the Art-Net Out.
Tried to move the faders in the DMX mixer, but nothing works.


Any hints for me?

Hi @kraimor,

Is the Monitor Button of the DMX track activated? It should look like this

See you,

is there anything recorded when starting recording to DMX track, can they be playacked via Art-Net out?

@Spork @fkalmus

I´ve tried

  • activate monitoring (in: dmx mixer in, out: my art-net device) and move the faders in the dmx mixer
  • record dmx data (moving faders) and play them back

See screenshots in the appendix.

No improvement of the issue :frowning:

Hi @kraimor !

At least, recorded data is there. We can now focus to output the DMX signal, that has been recorded :slight_smile:

But what is wrong?

The output (name: Eurolite) is mapped to the “DMX: DMX ArtNet Out” device.
And the Universe (in the track preferences) is set to “any”.

Can’t find additional options which I can adjust.

Also tried it with the actual beta version of Live.

First, replace the ArtNet output (Eurolite) with the DMX Visualizer and open the DMX view. Can you see changes when you play back your recorded data, or move input faders?
Next, are you sure your Eurolite receives on the first universe? If universe is set to “Any”, it will send to the universe of recorded events. If those don’t match, that would also explain why monitoring doesn’t work either. OTOH, if you recorded with the built-in DMX mixer view, those send to universe 1 (sometimes refered to as “0”) anyway. But your Eurolite can be programmed via a web interface, did you possibly change it to receive from a different universe ?

@kraimor? Maybe that’s the missing key from @musicullum? Beside this we’ve ordered a “Eurolite PoE Art-Net Node 1 dxt Series” device to see what’s going on.

See you,


Found the solution:

I have to set on the Eurolite Interface “Universe 0”!

Great that it works for you. As said, the universe of a VST Live DMX track and receiving device need to match.

At least it is great to know this isn’t enough sometimes to make it working: