Arturia Keylab MK2 Custom Midi Remote Script ( MKII )

No thank you for a great script.

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I will do so… Thank you…

@m.c / @Dr-Mad I’m not sure if this is already discussed here. I wanted to know if there’s a way to keep the transport lights dimly on or brightly on permanently because it’s hard to see the buttons at night or even during the daytime sometimes.

By the way, I love the EQ envelope control mapping. So useful…

I totally understand this.

Well, for now, until I upload a new version, you can alter the script a bit.

Search for this line:

surfaceElement.mOnProcessValueChange = function (context, newValue,arg2) {

Just right below it add:


Now find this segment:

 if (onOff==1){

Just under this block, add:

 else if (onOff==0.5){

Here you can choose the brightness when the transport buttons are off, from 0 up to 127. I’ve set it to 32, seems to look OK.

Done! awesome Thank you!

Thank you so much. Your script is brilliant! With a few teaks I 'm up and running in my Mac Studio with Cubase 13.

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Where is mapOfGeneralSettings.js please?

Like all script files for this particular midi remote script

it should be in /Users/YourUserName/Documents/Steinberg/Cubase/MIDI Remote/Driver Scripts/Local/Arturia/Keylab_MK2_MC_Custom

“Like all…” this is the first time I’ve ever needed to install a script.

I don’t have anything after Local in my Steinberg/Cubase/Midi remote/driver scripts/local

Sorry I was not sarcastic. I really meant that all javascript files you may need for this script are located at that place. If they are not there, then you have not properly installed your .midiremote file.
Please use the MIDI Remote manager (in Studio menu) and the Import Script tab at the top to install all files at once.

Hi once you’ve installed the midi remote, a folder under the location @Dr-Mad mentioned will be created.
Generally, if you open StudioMIDI Remote Manager in Cubase, then navigate to the tab Scripts, you can directly open the folder of the script you want as shown in the screenshot below:

Hello! I have the problem with displaying proper colors while being in the select mode. I switched on function “Show Track Color” by clicking Pad14+Arm and the colors appear indeed, but they are wrong. They’re not random either, and some of them are correct (green, blue, red) but for example Cubase orange is green on Arturia, so it is not too usefull in that case :smiley: Is there any possibility to fix it?

Another question I have is there any possibility to avoid returning to the first track bank, and dismissing the selection after changing mapping page from Focused Quick Control to Mixer?

Hello and welcome to this forum!

It’s been a while since I last used this feature, but I can’t recall such behavior. What is certain is that the colors of the leds are not that high in resolution. Another thing that I have to notice is that when we are in multi solo/mute/rec mode, I have different color for the selected track, so I can distinguish it from the others, again, if I remember correctly. Now, after some time of using this feature, I realized that It was not for me, since I always have my tracks arranged in the very same way (track 1 is always a “Keys”, 2 is “Bass” up to my usual 16 tracks arrangements, excluding fx tracks). I will give the Keylab a testing and get back to you, but I’m not very optimistic that we can do something about it if the issue is with the low res of the leds.

Now this one has been a pain for me. Seems like a miss in the midi remote api and I have posted about it here:

Anyway, I have a workaround that seems to work. We have to open the mapOfGeneralSettings.js file and there set the generalSettings.recallSelectedTrackBankZone variable to 1 instead of 0.

Thank you! There was no such line in “mapOfGeneralSettings”, but I’ve found it in “MC_Custom” and after change it is working like i wish:)

About colors - it’s strange, doesn’t look like low light resolution, because some of the colors are perfect (red, brown, purple), and when I change the hue just a little bit, the color changes to completely another. It looks more like Arturia LED receives bad format of data, e.g. hex instead of RRGGBB or something, but I guess it itsn’t the point.

Actually I just did some tests and it seems possible to get the “right” values to get something close between Cubase track colors and the button colors. I am fine tuning the process and will post something soon.

Cool! Perhaps you might want to try taking into account the alpha channel variable. The keylab is not accepting alpha but we can always convert rgba to similar rgb.

Mmmh… not sure that would work because the values I found empirically do not show a linear behavior.
What I did is simply created an array for each color and filled it in with the values that worked best.
I have a macro in Cubase which can colorize tracks with all colors from a 32-color palette, and it seems to work ok for me and my Keylab MKII 61.
Maybe we could put this in the GeneralSettings file and every user could play around and easily fine tune to their taste ?

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No problem you can pm me, though I always dislike not trying to fix the root cause, be it either in the script, or Cubase or the Keylab. Mind giving an example of the conversions you’ve done so I can notify accordingly? I mean, what are the initial r,g,b values and what you transformed them to? Note that as far as I remember, the Keylab receives in reality rgb values from 0 up to 31, i.e. whatever above this didn’t produce a real diff.
The line responsible for this translation is:


Anyway, It should be straight forward when we send r,g,b to have the correct r,g,b shown, so I’m a bit irritated right now to be honest, mostly because I don’t know who/what is to blame :slight_smile:

I know that @m.c. is pretty busy… So until he releases his new scripts, you might want to modify a few lines in /Users/UserName/Documents/Steinberg/Cubase/MIDI Remote/Driver Scripts/Local/Arturia/Keylab_MK2_MC_Custom/Arturia_Keylab_MK2_MC_Custom.js
like this:
1 - add these lines before the const constPageNameMixer="Mixer" :

    const cR = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7,10,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,29,30,30,31]
    const cG = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9,11,12,13,14,16,18,21,25,28,29,29,30,30,31]
    const cB = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 6,10,12,15,18,20,21,22,22,22,23,24,25,26,28,29,30,31,31]

2 - replace :




3 - use the Midi Remote Manager’s Refresh icon to re-load the scripts. The colors should now be closer to Cubase track colors (at least they are on Keylab 61 MKII…)

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Thank you my friend!