Hi @Ya_nus, thank you for your kind words!
The script for the Essential model, is creating the mixer and the focused quick controls pages.
The one by me for the Keylab, goes much deeper, by adding many other areas, inserts, instrument quick controls, sends, commands sets and other stuff.
IF you’re happy with just a mixer layout, basic transports and a focused quick controls page, I see no reason to go for a Keylab MK2. However, from my personal experience, the more we use the more we want If the price difference is not a problem for you, I would go for the keylab Mk2.
Now, since you’re talking about the V-Collections, which I do use too pretty extensively, here are my two notes:
Out of the box, Arturia’s keyboards integrate as expected with libraries/sounds browsing and have premapped our controls for 16-24 parameters. At the same time, they give us the functionality of layering two presets in a single combo. This one is very good and I use it all the time.
HOWEVER, if controlling more parameters is needed, you really then have to midi learn on your own, using the additional user banks these controllers offer.
At the same time, the Komplete Kontrol S-Series, offers that, with no user action needed. Arturia premapped its V-collection instruments in a pretty good way for the NKS and at the same time we can see (on these two small displays) which parameter is assigned to which knob. Now, on the other hand KK has just 8 knobs for controlling, meaning you have to switch between banks more frequently.
Every controller has pros and cons
It’s a long discussion, I do have both KK MK2 and Keylab MK2 and never actually decided on whether I should keep the one or the other.
The Keylab comes with a “standard” MCU integration: Transports, mixer section. It’s NOT bad at all! Most probably users are referring to the extras the new midi remote API offer. Rest assured that my script covers many many of these extras
As a side note, I’m preparing a utility for showing on a screen (I have one separate from my main one) all the assignments for each section of the Keylab.
Anyway, most probably my comments will confuse you more, instead of helping, I hope other users can be more helpful here.