ASIO SDK hostsample DSD mode problem

Hello Everyone. I hope that’s the right category to place my post. If I am mistaken, please move it to the proper place. Now to the point.

I’m trying to use hostsample project from ASIO SDK to request DSD mode. To do so, I’m reproducing steps shown in SDK’s documentation at “F. Sony DSD Support”. The problem is as follows: despite successful shift to DSD mode, function ASIOCreateBuffers returns ASE_InvalidParameter when hostsample is launched alongside Mytek Brooklyn DAC and the corresponding driver. When I do not try request the shift to DSD mode, the hostsample works fine. Does anybody see any solution to my problem or at least could give me some hint? I would be very grateful.

Here you can find the hostsample’s code after all of my changes:

// hostsample.cpp : a simple ASIO host example.
// - instantiates the driver
// - get the information from the driver
// - built up some audio channels
// - plays silence for 20 seconds
// - destruct the driver
// Note: This sample cannot work with the "ASIO DirectX Driver" as it does
//       not have a valid Application Window handle, which is used as sysRef
//       on the Windows platform.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include "asiosys.h"
#include "asio.h"
#include "asiodrivers.h"

// name of the ASIO device to be used
//	#define ASIO_DRIVER_NAME    "ASIO Multimedia Driver"
	#define ASIO_DRIVER_NAME    "Mytek USB Audio"
#elif MAC
//	#define ASIO_DRIVER_NAME   	"Apple Sound Manager"
	#define ASIO_DRIVER_NAME   	"ASIO Sample"

#define TEST_RUN_TIME  20.0		// run for 20 seconds

enum {
	// number of input and outputs supported by the host application
	// you can change these to higher or lower values
	kMaxInputChannels = 32,
	kMaxOutputChannels = 32

// internal data storage
typedef struct DriverInfo
	// ASIOInit()
	ASIODriverInfo driverInfo;

	// ASIOGetChannels()
	long           inputChannels;
	long           outputChannels;

	// ASIOGetBufferSize()
	long           minSize;
	long           maxSize;
	long           preferredSize;
	long           granularity;

	// ASIOGetSampleRate()
	ASIOSampleRate sampleRate;

	// ASIOOutputReady()
	bool           postOutput;

	// ASIOGetLatencies ()
	long           inputLatency;
	long           outputLatency;

	// ASIOCreateBuffers ()
	long inputBuffers;	// becomes number of actual created input buffers
	long outputBuffers;	// becomes number of actual created output buffers
	ASIOBufferInfo bufferInfos[kMaxInputChannels + kMaxOutputChannels]; // buffer info's

	// ASIOGetChannelInfo()
	ASIOChannelInfo channelInfos[kMaxInputChannels + kMaxOutputChannels]; // channel info's
	// The above two arrays share the same indexing, as the data in them are linked together

	// Information from ASIOGetSamplePosition()
	// data is converted to double floats for easier use, however 64 bit integer can be used, too
	double         nanoSeconds;
	double         samples;
	double         tcSamples;	// time code samples

	// bufferSwitchTimeInfo()
	ASIOTime       tInfo;			// time info state
	unsigned long  sysRefTime;      // system reference time, when bufferSwitch() was called

	// Signal the end of processing in this example
	bool           stopped;
} DriverInfo;

DriverInfo asioDriverInfo = {0};
ASIOCallbacks asioCallbacks;

// some external references
extern AsioDrivers* asioDrivers;
bool loadAsioDriver(char *name);

// internal prototypes (required for the Metrowerks CodeWarrior compiler)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]);
long init_asio_static_data (DriverInfo *asioDriverInfo);
ASIOError create_asio_buffers (DriverInfo *asioDriverInfo);
unsigned long get_sys_reference_time();

// callback prototypes
void bufferSwitch(long index, ASIOBool processNow);
ASIOTime *bufferSwitchTimeInfo(ASIOTime *timeInfo, long index, ASIOBool processNow);
void sampleRateChanged(ASIOSampleRate sRate);
long asioMessages(long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt);
void checkError(ASIOError error);

long init_asio_static_data (DriverInfo *asioDriverInfo)
{	// collect the informational data of the driver
	// get the number of available channels
	if(ASIOGetChannels(&asioDriverInfo->inputChannels, &asioDriverInfo->outputChannels) == ASE_OK)
		printf ("ASIOGetChannels (inputs: %d, outputs: %d);\n", asioDriverInfo->inputChannels, asioDriverInfo->outputChannels);

		// get the usable buffer sizes
		if(ASIOGetBufferSize(&asioDriverInfo->minSize, &asioDriverInfo->maxSize, &asioDriverInfo->preferredSize, &asioDriverInfo->granularity) == ASE_OK)
			printf ("ASIOGetBufferSize (min: %d, max: %d, preferred: %d, granularity: %d);\n",
					 asioDriverInfo->minSize, asioDriverInfo->maxSize,
					 asioDriverInfo->preferredSize, asioDriverInfo->granularity);

			// get the currently selected sample rate
			std::cout << "\n*********DSD REQUEST*********\n";

			ASIOIoFormat NeedThis = { kASIODSDFormat };

			if (ASE_SUCCESS == ASIOFuture(kAsioSetIoFormat, &NeedThis))
				//If the driver did not accept one of the parameters then the whole call will fail and the failing
				//parameter will have had its value changes to - 1.
				std::cout << NeedThis.FormatType << std::endl;
				ASIOError status = ASE_OK;
				long sampleRateDSD = 2822400;
				status = ASIOCanSampleRate(sampleRateDSD);
				if (status == ASE_OK) {
					status = ASIOSetSampleRate(sampleRateDSD);
					if (status == ASE_OK) {
						status = ASIOGetSampleRate(&asioDriverInfo->sampleRate);
						if (status == ASE_OK && asioDriverInfo->sampleRate == sampleRateDSD)
							std::cout << "ASIOSampleRate: " << sampleRateDSD << std::endl;
						std::cout << "failed to set sample rate" << std::endl;
			if(ASIOGetSampleRate(&asioDriverInfo->sampleRate) == ASE_OK)
				printf ("ASIOGetSampleRate (sampleRate: %f);\n", asioDriverInfo->sampleRate);
				/*if (asioDriverInfo->sampleRate <= 0.0 || asioDriverInfo->sampleRate > 96000.0)
					// Driver does not store it's internal sample rate, so set it to a know one.
					// Usually you should check beforehand, that the selected sample rate is valid
					// with ASIOCanSampleRate().
					if(ASIOSetSampleRate(44100.0) == ASE_OK)
						if(ASIOGetSampleRate(&asioDriverInfo->sampleRate) == ASE_OK)
							printf ("ASIOGetSampleRate (sampleRate: %f);\n", asioDriverInfo->sampleRate);
							return -6;
						return -5;

				// check wether the driver requires the ASIOOutputReady() optimization
				// (can be used by the driver to reduce output latency by one block)
				if(ASIOOutputReady() == ASE_OK)
					asioDriverInfo->postOutput = true;
					asioDriverInfo->postOutput = false;
				printf ("ASIOOutputReady(); - %s\n", asioDriverInfo->postOutput ? "Supported" : "Not supported");

				return 0;
			return -3;
		return -2;
	return -1;

// conversion from 64 bit ASIOSample/ASIOTimeStamp to double float
	#define ASIO64toDouble(a)  (a)
	const double twoRaisedTo32 = 4294967296.;
	#define ASIO64toDouble(a)  ((a).lo + (a).hi * twoRaisedTo32)

ASIOTime *bufferSwitchTimeInfo(ASIOTime *timeInfo, long index, ASIOBool processNow)
{	// the actual processing callback.
	// Beware that this is normally in a seperate thread, hence be sure that you take care
	// about thread synchronization. This is omitted here for simplicity.
	static long processedSamples = 0;

	// store the timeInfo for later use
	asioDriverInfo.tInfo = *timeInfo;

	// get the time stamp of the buffer, not necessary if no
	// synchronization to other media is required
	if (timeInfo->timeInfo.flags & kSystemTimeValid)
		asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeInfo.systemTime);
		asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds = 0;

	if (timeInfo->timeInfo.flags & kSamplePositionValid)
		asioDriverInfo.samples = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeInfo.samplePosition);
		asioDriverInfo.samples = 0;

	if (timeInfo->timeCode.flags & kTcValid)
		asioDriverInfo.tcSamples = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeCode.timeCodeSamples);
		asioDriverInfo.tcSamples = 0;

	// get the system reference time
	asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime = get_sys_reference_time();

	// a few debug messages for the Windows device driver developer
	// tells you the time when driver got its interrupt and the delay until the app receives
	// the event notification.
	static double last_samples = 0;
	char tmp[128];
	sprintf (tmp, "diff: %d / %d ms / %d ms / %d samples                 \n", asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime - (long)(asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds / 1000000.0), asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime, (long)(asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds / 1000000.0), (long)(asioDriverInfo.samples - last_samples));
	OutputDebugString (tmp);
	last_samples = asioDriverInfo.samples;

	// buffer size in samples
	long buffSize = asioDriverInfo.preferredSize;

	// perform the processing
	for (int i = 0; i < asioDriverInfo.inputBuffers + asioDriverInfo.outputBuffers; i++)
		if (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].isInput == false)
			// OK do processing for the outputs only
			switch (asioDriverInfo.channelInfos[i].type)
			case ASIOSTInt16LSB:
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 2);
			case ASIOSTInt24LSB:		// used for 20 bits as well
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 3);
			case ASIOSTInt32LSB:
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 4);
			case ASIOSTFloat32LSB:		// IEEE 754 32 bit float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 4);
			case ASIOSTFloat64LSB: 		// IEEE 754 64 bit double float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 8);

				// these are used for 32 bit data buffer, with different alignment of the data inside
				// 32 bit PCI bus systems can more easily used with these
			case ASIOSTInt32LSB16:		// 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment
			case ASIOSTInt32LSB18:		// 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment
			case ASIOSTInt32LSB20:		// 32 bit data with 20 bit alignment
			case ASIOSTInt32LSB24:		// 32 bit data with 24 bit alignment
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 4);

			case ASIOSTInt16MSB:
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 2);
			case ASIOSTInt24MSB:		// used for 20 bits as well
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 3);
			case ASIOSTInt32MSB:
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 4);
			case ASIOSTFloat32MSB:		// IEEE 754 32 bit float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 4);
			case ASIOSTFloat64MSB: 		// IEEE 754 64 bit double float, as found on Intel x86 architecture
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 8);

				// these are used for 32 bit data buffer, with different alignment of the data inside
				// 32 bit PCI bus systems can more easily used with these
			case ASIOSTInt32MSB16:		// 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment
			case ASIOSTInt32MSB18:		// 32 bit data with 18 bit alignment
			case ASIOSTInt32MSB20:		// 32 bit data with 20 bit alignment
			case ASIOSTInt32MSB24:		// 32 bit data with 24 bit alignment
				memset (asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize * 4);
			case ASIOSTDSDInt8LSB1:
			case ASIOSTDSDInt8MSB1:
			case ASIOSTDSDInt8NER8:
				memset(asioDriverInfo.bufferInfos[i].buffers[index], 0, buffSize);

	// finally if the driver supports the ASIOOutputReady() optimization, do it here, all data are in place
	if (asioDriverInfo.postOutput)

	if (processedSamples >= asioDriverInfo.sampleRate * TEST_RUN_TIME)	// roughly measured
		asioDriverInfo.stopped = true;
		processedSamples += buffSize;

	return 0L;

void bufferSwitch(long index, ASIOBool processNow)
{	// the actual processing callback.
	// Beware that this is normally in a seperate thread, hence be sure that you take care
	// about thread synchronization. This is omitted here for simplicity.

	// as this is a "back door" into the bufferSwitchTimeInfo a timeInfo needs to be created
	// though it will only set the timeInfo.samplePosition and timeInfo.systemTime fields and the according flags
	ASIOTime  timeInfo;
	memset (&timeInfo, 0, sizeof (timeInfo));

	// get the time stamp of the buffer, not necessary if no
	// synchronization to other media is required
	if(ASIOGetSamplePosition(&timeInfo.timeInfo.samplePosition, &timeInfo.timeInfo.systemTime) == ASE_OK)
		timeInfo.timeInfo.flags = kSystemTimeValid | kSamplePositionValid;

	bufferSwitchTimeInfo (&timeInfo, index, processNow);

void sampleRateChanged(ASIOSampleRate sRate)
	// do whatever you need to do if the sample rate changed
	// usually this only happens during external sync.
	// Audio processing is not stopped by the driver, actual sample rate
	// might not have even changed, maybe only the sample rate status of an
	// AES/EBU or S/PDIF digital input at the audio device.
	// You might have to update time/sample related conversion routines, etc.

long asioMessages(long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt)
	// currently the parameters "value", "message" and "opt" are not used.
	long ret = 0;
		case kAsioSelectorSupported:
			if(value == kAsioResetRequest
			|| value == kAsioEngineVersion
			|| value == kAsioResyncRequest
			|| value == kAsioLatenciesChanged
			// the following three were added for ASIO 2.0, you don't necessarily have to support them
			|| value == kAsioSupportsTimeInfo
			|| value == kAsioSupportsTimeCode
			|| value == kAsioSupportsInputMonitor)
				ret = 1L;
		case kAsioResetRequest:
			// defer the task and perform the reset of the driver during the next "safe" situation
			// You cannot reset the driver right now, as this code is called from the driver.
			// Reset the driver is done by completely destruct is. I.e. ASIOStop(), ASIODisposeBuffers(), Destruction
			// Afterwards you initialize the driver again.
			asioDriverInfo.stopped;  // In this sample the processing will just stop
			ret = 1L;
		case kAsioResyncRequest:
			// This informs the application, that the driver encountered some non fatal data loss.
			// It is used for synchronization purposes of different media.
			// Added mainly to work around the Win16Mutex problems in Windows 95/98 with the
			// Windows Multimedia system, which could loose data because the Mutex was hold too long
			// by another thread.
			// However a driver can issue it in other situations, too.
			ret = 1L;
		case kAsioLatenciesChanged:
			// This will inform the host application that the drivers were latencies changed.
			// Beware, it this does not mean that the buffer sizes have changed!
			// You might need to update internal delay data.
			ret = 1L;
		case kAsioEngineVersion:
			// return the supported ASIO version of the host application
			// If a host applications does not implement this selector, ASIO 1.0 is assumed
			// by the driver
			ret = 2L;
		case kAsioSupportsTimeInfo:
			// informs the driver wether the asioCallbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo() callback
			// is supported.
			// For compatibility with ASIO 1.0 drivers the host application should always support
			// the "old" bufferSwitch method, too.
			ret = 1;
		case kAsioSupportsTimeCode:
			// informs the driver wether application is interested in time code info.
			// If an application does not need to know about time code, the driver has less work
			// to do.
			ret = 0;
	return ret;

void checkError(ASIOError error)
		switch (error) {
		case ASE_OK:
			std::cout << "Everything is ok!" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "Success!" << std::endl;
		case ASE_NotPresent:
			std::cout << "hardware input or output is not present or available" << std::endl;
		case ASE_HWMalfunction:
			std::cout << "hardware is malfunctioning" << std::endl;
		case ASE_InvalidParameter:
			std::cout << "input parameter invalid" << std::endl;
		case ASE_InvalidMode:
			std::cout << "hardware is in a bad mode or used in a bad mode" << std::endl;
		case ASE_SPNotAdvancing:
			std::cout << "hardware is not running when sample position is inquired" << std::endl;
		case ASE_NoClock:
			std::cout << "sample clock or rate cannot be determined or is not present" << std::endl;
		case ASE_NoMemory:
			std::cout << "not enough memory for completing the request" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "UNKNOWN ERROR";

ASIOError create_asio_buffers (DriverInfo *asioDriverInfo)
{	// create buffers for all inputs and outputs of the card with the 
	// preferredSize from ASIOGetBufferSize() as buffer size
	std::cout << "CREATING ASIO BUFFERS" << std::endl;
	long i;
	ASIOError result = ASE_OK;

	// fill the bufferInfos from the start without a gap
	ASIOBufferInfo *info = asioDriverInfo->bufferInfos;

	// prepare inputs (Though this is not necessaily required, no opened inputs will work, too
	if (asioDriverInfo->inputChannels > kMaxInputChannels)
		asioDriverInfo->inputBuffers = kMaxInputChannels;
		asioDriverInfo->inputBuffers = asioDriverInfo->inputChannels;
	for(i = 0; i < asioDriverInfo->inputBuffers; i++, info++)
		info->isInput = ASIOTrue;
		info->channelNum = i;
		info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = 0;

	// prepare outputs
	if (asioDriverInfo->outputChannels > kMaxOutputChannels)
		asioDriverInfo->outputBuffers = kMaxOutputChannels;
		asioDriverInfo->outputBuffers = asioDriverInfo->outputChannels;
	for(i = 0; i < asioDriverInfo->outputBuffers; i++, info++)
		info->isInput = ASIOFalse;
		info->channelNum = i;
		info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = 0;

	// create and activate buffers
	result = ASIOCreateBuffers(asioDriverInfo->bufferInfos,
		asioDriverInfo->inputBuffers + asioDriverInfo->outputBuffers,
		asioDriverInfo->preferredSize, &asioCallbacks);
	if (result == ASE_OK)
		// now get all the buffer details, sample word length, name, word clock group and activation
		for (i = 0; i < asioDriverInfo->inputBuffers + asioDriverInfo->outputBuffers; i++)
			asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].channel = asioDriverInfo->bufferInfos[i].channelNum;
			asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].isInput = asioDriverInfo->bufferInfos[i].isInput;
			result = ASIOGetChannelInfo(&asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i]);
			std::cout << "\n Channel Infos:\n";
				std::cout << "channel index: " << asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].channel << std::endl;
				std::cout << "channel group: " << asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].channelGroup << std::endl;
				std::cout << "isActive: " << asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].isActive << std::endl;
				std::cout << "isInput: " << asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].isInput << std::endl;
				std::cout << "name: " << asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].name << std::endl;
				std::cout << "type: " << asioDriverInfo->channelInfos[i].type << std::endl;
			if (result != ASE_OK)

		if (result == ASE_OK)
			// get the input and output latencies
			// Latencies often are only valid after ASIOCreateBuffers()
			// (input latency is the age of the first sample in the currently returned audio block)
			// (output latency is the time the first sample in the currently returned audio block requires to get to the output)
			result = ASIOGetLatencies(&asioDriverInfo->inputLatency, &asioDriverInfo->outputLatency);
			if (result == ASE_OK)
				printf ("ASIOGetLatencies (input: %d, output: %d);\n", asioDriverInfo->inputLatency, asioDriverInfo->outputLatency);
			std::cout << "ASIO BUFFERS CREATED" << std::endl;
	else {
	return result;

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	std::cerr << "main function started\n";
	// load the driver, this will setup all the necessary internal data structures
	if (loadAsioDriver (ASIO_DRIVER_NAME))
		// initialize the driver
		if (ASIOInit (&asioDriverInfo.driverInfo) == ASE_OK)
			printf ("asioVersion:   %d\n"
					"driverVersion: %d\n"
					"Name:          %s\n"
					"ErrorMessage:  %s\n",
					asioDriverInfo.driverInfo.asioVersion, asioDriverInfo.driverInfo.driverVersion,, asioDriverInfo.driverInfo.errorMessage);
			if (init_asio_static_data (&asioDriverInfo) == 0)
				// ASIOControlPanel(); you might want to check wether the ASIOControlPanel() can open

				// set up the asioCallback structure and create the ASIO data buffer
				asioCallbacks.bufferSwitch = &bufferSwitch;
				asioCallbacks.sampleRateDidChange = &sampleRateChanged;
				asioCallbacks.asioMessage = &asioMessages;
				asioCallbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo = &bufferSwitchTimeInfo;

				/*std::cout << "\n*********DSD REQUEST*********\n";

				ASIOIoFormat NeedThis = { kASIODSDFormat };

				if (ASE_SUCCESS == ASIOFuture(kAsioSetIoFormat, &NeedThis))
					//If the driver did not accept one of the parameters then the whole call will fail and the failing
						//parameter will have had its value changes to - 1.
					std::cout << NeedThis.FormatType << std::endl;
					ASIOError status = ASE_OK;
					long sampleRateDSD = 2822400;
					status = ASIOCanSampleRate(sampleRateDSD);
					if (status == ASE_OK) {
						status = ASIOSetSampleRate(sampleRateDSD);
						if (status == ASE_OK) {
							status = ASIOGetSampleRate(&asioDriverInfo.sampleRate);
							if(status == ASE_OK && asioDriverInfo.sampleRate == sampleRateDSD)
							std::cout << "ASIOSampleRate: " << sampleRateDSD << std::endl;
							std::cout << "failed to set sample rate" << std::endl;

				if (create_asio_buffers (&asioDriverInfo) == ASE_OK)
					std::cout << "create_asio_buffers" << std::endl;
					if (ASIOStart() == ASE_OK)
						// Now all is up and running
						fprintf (stdout, "\nASIO Driver started succefully.\n\n");
						while (!asioDriverInfo.stopped)
							Sleep(100);	// goto sleep for 100 milliseconds
#elif MAC
							unsigned long dummy;
							Delay (6, &dummy);
							fprintf (stdout, "%d ms / %d ms / %d samples", asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime, (long)(asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds / 1000000.0), (long)asioDriverInfo.samples);

							// create a more readable time code format (the quick and dirty way)
							double remainder = asioDriverInfo.tcSamples;
							long hours = (long)(remainder / (asioDriverInfo.sampleRate * 3600));
							remainder -= hours * asioDriverInfo.sampleRate * 3600;
							long minutes = (long)(remainder / (asioDriverInfo.sampleRate * 60));
							remainder -= minutes * asioDriverInfo.sampleRate * 60;
							long seconds = (long)(remainder / asioDriverInfo.sampleRate);
							remainder -= seconds * asioDriverInfo.sampleRate;
							fprintf (stdout, " / TC: %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d:%5.5d", (long)hours, (long)minutes, (long)seconds, (long)remainder);

							fprintf (stdout, "     \r");
							#if !MAC
							fflush (stdout);
				else {
					std::cout << "create asio buffers" << std::endl;
	return 0;

unsigned long get_sys_reference_time()
{	// get the system reference time
	return timeGetTime();
#elif MAC
static const double twoRaisedTo32 = 4294967296.;
	UnsignedWide ys;
	double r = ((double)ys.hi * twoRaisedTo32 + (double)ys.lo);
	return (unsigned long)(r / 1000.);