Assigning a modulator crashes Cubase 14

Cubase 14.0.5 64bit2024.11.7 (1,1 Mo)
Cubase 14.0.5 64bit2024.11.7 (233,7 Ko)

crash dumps from local app data are too large for this system at 200 Mb
how can i send them even zipped they are 50Mb

Sadly it does not create a CrashDump. I have one but not sure if its related:
Cubase 14.0.5 64bit 2024.11.10 (1.7 MB)

I went through a lot of projects today. And endet up with the conclusion that it is a samplerateproblem somehow. All sessions with modulators in 44.1 and 48 kHz are fine even with performance meter hitting 80%. I use a similar template for all projects; so similar plugins etc.
My Session where the crashes occured is in 88.2 kHz. Opened a Empty project with U-He Diva in 88.2 kHz, try to assign a modulator and then voila imidiate crash again. Tried Pashop instead, again crash.
Now I changed the buffersize from 4096 to 2048 in RME FF UC Preferences aaaand now it works. No crash, as soon as I go back to 4096 it crashes again. Asioguard is disabled.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

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Upload them to Dropbox (or similar service) and share the link, please.

hope this helps identify the issue

Hi @Gunnar_Schuettler, that’s a very good hint. Thanks a lot! We will investigate further in that direction.

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Thank you. Very helpful!

I just tried using a modulator for the first time (in the bottom zone, for panning; no plugins inserted on the track). As soon as I selected the panner from the menu, Cubase crashed. I’m on Windows 10.

Hi and welcome to the forum,

Please, share the crash/dump file(s).

Mac: macOS Console utility > Crash Reports (or ~user/Library/Logs/Diagnostic Reports).
Win: %userprofile%/Documents/Steinberg/Crash Dumps

@Pascal_Kruchen any idea of what’s going on?
My Dump file is here in a older message,

Modulators is still unusable for me,
Thanks for your help!


I’m afraid you have to wait for the maintenance update.


Did you use audio to chords detection by any chance, please?

The same is happening to me. I can’t use the modulators at all. After assigning a modulator to a control Cubase just crashes every single time. (Simple midi and audio tracks, not chords or anything special in the project yet.)

I wonder, how does it not crash in those demo videos showing off the new features of Cubase 14?

I have updated everything. I’m on Windows 10 x64 (also the latest updates done).

Sorry Martin, I missed your question earlier.
Yes, the project that led to that crash dump actually contains a chord track where some of the chords were extracted from an audio event.

Could you please post the crash dump here? It might help the developers to further track down the cause of the crashes. The dump files are located in
%userprofile%\Documents\Steinberg\CrashDumps or


Try with the latest Cubse 14.0.10, please.

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Can I kindly ask you for the udio file where the chord detection has been used? You can send a Dropbox (or similar service) link via Private Message.

Thank you

Cubase 14.0.10 fixed the problem for me. :slight_smile:

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