That’s why I used the word ‘Maybe’ above. You may be right.
Are you still saying that the volume of VSTi exports is higher in Pro 9 than in Artist 9 ? and that the sound is brighter in Pro 9 than in Artist 9 ? (see your first post above)
and is this consistent for all VST instruments tested and for every export? If so, could you post the audio statistics for these tests.
Did you try doing a number of exports within pro 9 alone and compare them ? What were the results ?
Did you try doing any blind A/B listening tests where you do not know whether the file has been exported from Pro 9 or Artist 9 ?
This has little to do with believing or not. It’s more about unbiased testing.
Direct monitoring, should be set to the same in preferences.
Vst connections should be set to the same, a common mistake is that both output and control room are using the same outputs.
cubase artist doesnt have control room and i had it disabled in cubase 9 pro while i made the tests.
i made alot of a/b tests, blindtests and such. ofcourse i understand some people wanna convince me there is something wrong with my projects, settings etc but its not. its not that i did a single test. i did plenty because i couldnt believe it does sound different when using vst instruments or effects like reverb. i just wanted to find out WHY and i havent so far, thats why i posted here.
i really dont know what to say anymore, but i know what results iam getting.
I wonder if you have that new maximizer running. I noticed that makes a difference between pre Cubase 9 projects since its been overhauled. Just a thought.
Once again, it’s the same program, identical code.
With identical static content you get identical results, period!
There is something dynamic in your content, or some overlooked setting. Nothing else is possible.
I believe you! I have one project that behaves different in playing, realtime export and normal export. It is consistent in doing it with every export (so realtime is always the same, but different from playing, which is always the same etc). It is one steinberg synth that is causing it (I believe Padshop). It is very obvious in this song as the synth has a feedback like component, which depending on the exprt type is either missing or to loud. In the end I did a freeze with the to loud feedback and volume automation on that.
I have not tested it recently but going from SX3 to cubase4 midi playback stopped being sample accurate. With SX3 you could really null a rendered midi track. With cubase4 is had notes jumping out.
there is nothing i have overlooked. settings are actually exactly the same since iam using the same installation of cubase and didnt touch them. i also didnt have any of the new plugins running or something.
actually IT IS possible that there is something different in cubase artist since some of the program parts get disabled. for example you can also pan sends in pro, but not in artist right? this is just an example but maybe it has to do with something like this.
too bad there isnt someone here who has artist and pro aswell and can try it.