Audio Engine Initialization Getting Stuck

Here is what i get when I put %appdata%\Steinberg\Dorico 5\PlaybackTemplateSpecs in the address bar.

What if you change the 5 in there to a 4, so %appdata%\Steinberg\Dorico 4\PlaybackTemplateSpecs ? Is there something to be found?

It still doesn’t find anything. But, I don’t have Dorico 4 on my system anymore. I removed it when I upgraded to 5 to save space on my drive.

I looked in the Dorico 5 folder, following the path manually, and this is what is in there.

I’m very sorry, but then I don’t know any further either.
Maybe @dspreadbury

Thanks for trying Ulf!

@dspreadbury do you know what might be causing Kontakt and OPUS to not appear as playback templates in Dorico 5.1 for me? I had them in previous versions of Dorico, but I have uninstalled previous versions of Dorico, and I don’t see them available in Dorico 5.1.