Audio Export of Range

There are many times when I would like to export certain measures of a piece; for example, only measures 16-64. This is a common feature of DAWs.

When a piece is not finished, it’s helpful sometines to send a section to the illustrator, client, conductor, musician, etc.

Currently, I export the whole score and then trim the wav/mp3 in a DAW and save under a different name, or make a copy of the score and delete measures.

Exporting a section is not critical but it would be a nice feature.

Hi @konradh, you could (on a copy of your project, to be sure!) split the flow just before the section to be exported, and just after it.

To do this (creating a flow that contains only the section to be exported as audio)

  • select the barline at the begin of the needed section
  • choose menu Edit > Split Flow.
  • Repeat this procedure for the end, selecting the barline at the end of the needed section and applying Split Flow
  • You can then export the audio for just that newly created flow (that contains only the music that you need to export), checkmarking only it, in the audio export dialogue. :wink:

Thanks, @Christian_R! You’re a smart guy!

I’d like to have the export-range function, but this is a great workaround.

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