Hope someone can shed some light on why this has started happening.
Everything was running as normal on Cubase 14.0.10 until a couple of days ago. We started getting audio loss on playing back projects.
It seems to happen within the first minute of playback and lasts a few seconds and then resumes playback as normal. Subsequent plays of the project have no issues at all until it is closed and reloaded. It doesn’t matter the size of the project ie 1 audio track or 80 audio tracks.
Looking at the resourse meter shows no droputs but a gap in the stream for a few seconds.
Here is a picture of the resource monitor.
I have went through the usual troubleshooting methods such as latency mon, different types of unit clocking, cables, updates. Nothing seems to be making a dent to the issue at all.
Win 11 fully updated
I7 12700F
16 gig ram
SSD running cubase and plugins
MOTU 828 Mk3 Hybrid on usb mode clocked from a Focusrite LS56 through wordclock.