Audio montage/CD Wizard

Can someone pls explain me how I can make sure that the pause of 2 sec is placed before the 1st track on a CD? I can place the 2 sec pause before 1st track manually at the montage stage but the CD Wizard changes it. After I apply the CD Wizard to the montage that pause always changes to less than half of one second and the 1st marker goes always to zero despite the the 2 sec pause setting in the Wizard. What am I doing wrong?


In WL 6 pdf manual page 533:

• The Red Book audio CD standard requires that the pause before the first track is at least 2 seconds (this does not apply to DVD-Audio). If the option “Automatically set the standard duration for pause #1” is activated on the CD/ DVD-A view : Options menu, WaveLab will automatically adjust the first pause to 2 sec- onds. This option is activated by default.

You can check this in the Montage / CD view

regards S-EH