Audio outputs routing issue

I use the Control Room for my monitoring
Now, I would like to have some audio outputs to route some audio tracks to an audio to midi Guitar Midi Interface
Once created the 6 mono audio outputs, I assign them respectively to my audio tracks audio outs
But, once accomplished, I see that all my 6 audio outputs are set to the last one selected
Is there a turnaround to this issue ?

Clarify what exactly happens if you try to select the correct out now?

Your track input is also confusingly routed to something called an out but I don’t think this is possible…is that an input bus you named as out??

I don’t really get it. What is the problem?
And yes check also your inputs, they seem to be misconfigured

the correct out can be selected in the outputs list for each of the 6 tracks, but once done, all the 6 tracks have the same output as the last one (on the picture, it is the “E high out”)

Tracks are labelled with “in” because the audio comes from 6 separate inputs that stay correctly assigned
Once recorded, I assign the audio of these individual tracks to 6 separate outputs to track midi with a guitar midi controller

So you are setting each channel’s output to be different but after you do this you find all channels to have the same output even though you changed it?

If so, please go to your mix console and expand the routing options so you can see the ins and outs. Then, change the output for one channel and tell me what happens to the rest. Do their outs change, too?

If they do, is there any chance that you have them linked?
You will see on mixConsole the linked icon above faders and the orange activated on top.

If they are indeed linked and you need them linked but not for the outputs then just edit the link attributes by clicking the link icon/ edit link/deselect routing.

Yes, I’ve linked the channels, it must be the reason of the issue
I will try to uncheck the routing in the linking items and tell you back if it works
Thanks for your help !

You were right
Uncheking “routing” in the link options allows me to route each track to an individual output
Thanks so much for the tip :+1:

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