Audio problems

I have closed and re-opened Dorico a few times. I have re-started my Windows 10 a couple of times. I still get garbled audio on my second playback, every time. I have attached a Dorico folder. Help!

Stan Martin
Dorico (1.34 MB)

I am using Note Performer, but when I switch over to Halion I get the same problem.

Could you please also make an audio recording. Even with a smart phone is okay, just to get an impression of how it sounds like. Zip up the file and attach here, please. Thanks.

The logs don’t show anything in regards to audio drop outs or anything else unusual.
What if you use ASIO4All or your UMC device, same problem?

Could we have a remote session, so that I can have a look at your computer?


Thanks so much for your response!! I checked out a few posts here on the forum concerning audio problems. I saw that a few people had problems when upgrading their Windows 10 PCs to 2004 build. I rolled back to the previous version and everything is fine. I want to keep my build up to date, but not at the expense not being able to use Dorico.

Stan Martin

Hi Stan, the problem with the 2004 Windows update turned out to be a bug in NotePerformer, for which Wallander Instruments will bring out a fix, soon.
You say, that you had the same problem when using HALion. Are you 100% sure that no NotePerformer was loaded anymore? Because I dare say that with HALion you won’t get that problem unless there is still some NotePerformer instance around.

Hi Ulf, I did load the Halion template and experienced the same stutter/garbled audio. But that was after I had experienced it with NotePerformer. When Wallander comes out with the fix, maybe I will update to the 2004 build and see what happens.(when I have time)

Thanks again for your response!! I’m a big fan of Dorico!!!


FWIW Wallander have just released a beta version with this fix and a new expression map for Dorico 3.5 - and some bug fixes for Sibelius and Finale as well.

Right, but that beta is not for public distribution, yet. We have to see, when they go public with it.

Okay, that explains it. Once the sound is garbled it will be “forever” (unless you reset the audio driver) no matter what project you load.
But there is also a workaround for the broken sound, and that is increasing the ASIO buffer size to 20ms, then it plays fine.