Audio sample : from G minor to G major

I have an audio sample written in G minor
HOw can I turn it into G major?

You’d need something like Melodyne (Editor or Studio edition) or Zynaptic Pitchmap. Results will vary depending on the audio source material.

EDIT: This is assuming the source audio is polyphonic material, effectively playing chords.

If the material is monophonic (a single note melody in a key signature to be changed), then the post by @Reco29 is a better answer:

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Thanks for the answer
Is there any option build in in Cubase?

Not for polyphonic audio, no.

If you are referring to a single melody line (=monophonic) than VariAudio is your friend. You could even use the scale assistent to help you out if you are not familiar with music theory.
If you are referring to chords or more than one note at a time for that matter than no - that would be polyphonic and you’d need something outside of Cubase.

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Melodyne has a polyphonic tuning option, I believe.

They do but it is not included in the Essential Version. That one can deal with monophonic material only.

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