Audio stutter- stop/start after Elements upgrade from 10 to 10.5

Hi folks
with version 10 cubase elements, I had pretty flawless performance. Very odd glitch here and there but nothing that stopped me from producing music. I decided to pay the £17 to upgrade from Elements 10 to 10.5.
After the upgrade I loaded up one of my songs and the audio performance was shocking. It kept stuttering, like you were listening to a radio station whereby you keep losing signal as you drove through the countryside.
After a little investigation, I noted that my scarlett focusrite 18i8 required an updated driver, so proceeded to get that done, but still same stuttery audio performance prevailed.
I then went into studio settings. My ASIO settings in VST Audio System, (ASIO- Guard level) was set at normal, so decided to change that to ‘High’.
I then replayed my song and it was processed perfectly. I changed the ASIO setting back to ‘normal’, replayed my song and I was able to replicate the same stutter. I then reset the ASIO - Guard level again to ‘High’ and voila, it worked perfectly again.

If you get an audio stutter after upgrading from cubase version 10 to 10.5, check your ASIO Guard-level settings and change the setting to high. Hope it works for you.

My Laptop is a HP FD2M15MN, Intel Core i5-6200 CPU @2.3GHz, 8 GByte RAM. 761Gbyte free of 1TByte Hard Disk, connected to Scarlett 18i8 2nd gen Audio interface.

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increasing your Audio Device Buffer Size should also help.

Thank you for sharing. This just saved my cpu!