HI everyone,
someone could explain me why this audio track is playing but I don’t hear absolutely nothing (all other tracks are ok)
Many thanks!
p.s. it could even be a silly thing but I can’t solve anyway; maybe I’m too tired?..
HI everyone,
someone could explain me why this audio track is playing but I don’t hear absolutely nothing (all other tracks are ok)
I’ve experienced that kind of thing from time to time where internal audio routing mysteriously ended up with partial disconnections.
In my case, a system restart ended up fixing things.
Thank you @Nico5, I had tried a program reset but not a system one so I did it but anything changed…
I then had the idea it had to be something dealing with routing so I tried to put a send fx on the channel (a delay) and that way I could hear the track again…
Fortunately I saw the direct routing button on the channel and it was, for some mysterious reason (maybe I pushed it without realising it) switched off…
Now it’s ok. Thank you for answering,
ahh - glad you found the issue!
May want to check your key commands, because inadvertent use of key commands is also a potential culprit. – Like for example using a key command you intended for another app (or plugin), but in reality Cubase was in the foreground.
Come to think of it – I should do that for myself - turn off key commands that I never really use.
I never considered this option, related to other apps running at the same time, it’s interesting! It happened to me, instead, to activate some ‘unknown’ shortcut in Cubase and sometimes it was tedious to search which one…
I use shortcuts a lot but mainly in Cubase; I discovered the existence of a shortcut app in my app only last day (Apple doesn’t show well all potentialities included in his computers…)