
Is it possible to augment a section by factor 1,5 (e.g. to change a 4/4 meter into a 12/8-meter - a ¼ note would then become a dotted ¼ note)?

In extremely limited circumstances, turning on Insert mode and then hitting “.” (period/full stop) will work. If there are any existing dotted values, tuplets or bar rests, they won’t convert correctly.

Your best bet is probably to copy and paste the material to a new flow, go down this route, fix the note values that need fixing (which should be as simple as typing the correct note value with the existing note(s) selected, and deleting some tuplets), then copy and paste back to the original flow.

I thought so, thank you.

May I ask another question: Why do notes with locked mode activated only convert into the desired value when working from the input frame (it does not work by only selecting them)?

I’m not entirely sure I understand the question. Are you talking about selecting a note and then turning on Force Duration?

I think he means that he cannot use Lock without first invoking the caret.

When forcing the duration of existing notes, you might have to reduce their duration first before lengthening them again. For example, if you have a quarter note tied to an eighth note that you want to appear as a dotted quarter: select it, press O for force duration, then press 6 then . (period) - that is, make it first a quarter note, then add the dot. Otherwise, Dorico thinks you’re forcing the duration of its current appearance.

Yes, precisely.

My concern was a 6/8 meter with hemiolas which I wanted to show up as 3 crotchets. I can change the tied quavers only after bringing up the caret window which is annoying.

Yes., without bringing up the caret.

You should be able to do that outside of note input - in this case, select the tied quavers, press O, press 5 (for a single quaver) then 6 (to turn it into a crotchet with forced duration).

Or, for the bars that should be in 3 crotchets, input a 3/4 time signature (including only for single staves by pressing Alt-Return to confirm the time signatures popover) and hide the time signature. Hidden time signatures can be a neat way of controlling beaming/note grouping at a higher level without having to mess around with forcing individual note durations.

It didn’t work because I hitted the 6-key directly. I still do not understand why I have to hit the 5 key first. But thank you for the hint!

Because the note already had the duration of a crotchet, just displayed as two quavers - forcing that duration tells Dorico to keep what you’ve got! (which is sometimes what people want) so you have to reduce the duration first, then increase it to specify both the duration you want and how you want it displayed.

Or, use time signatures as I described above to control note grouping at a higher level - that’s particularly helpful if one part has 3/4 grouping for several bars while another part has 6/8, for example.

Thank you for giving me insigth into the program’s logic.