Automatic Audio Bouncing

One thing that is easier about midi is that when I duplicate a part in midi, it’s a new part. Please make audio work like this. We have plenty of drive space.Thank you.

Sorry but i dont agree with you.If i want a really new version i still can manualy bounce the file.
Why should i waste space on my HDD without any reason?
Sorry its only my opinion…

If you want to edit an audio file with a destructive effect, Cubase asks you whether you want to create a new version / audio file.

I can’t agree with this request either. Why would anyone want to unnecessarily dumb down intelligent file handling? :open_mouth:

It takes a bit of effort to understand Cubase’s handling and terminology - FIles, Clips, Events, Parts, and if your going to be comfortable with using Cubase then you need to come to terms with this.
What exactly are you finding so “difficult”?

If you want to edit an audio file with a destructive effect, Cubase asks you whether you want to create a new version / audio file.

That would depend how you set the preference for editing a shared event.