Autoscroll suspend improvements

I would like for there to be a change in how Autoscroll functions, in that when it is suspended, it does not automatically switch back on simply because the sequencer has been stopped and subsequently restarted, or else a new location has been clicked on in the timeline.

As I have made clear in previous posts, how it functions currently is quite annoying since it is such that it may be seen as being “helpful” when in fact it is a complete hindrance and the situation shows me as an end user, that interaction levels of the userbase at large, with Steinberg DAW applications is likely quite low.

In other words, I don’t believe that many so-called professionals have even considered why the feature can be so annoying, or else true professionals simply tolerate the situation because they don’t have the time to complain.

hi, I do not understand why you use words as “i don’t believe” and “so called professionals” because many are people that we do not know, so what and how they think, and if they have the time to complain about this autoscroll issue, i think you can make your point.
As a user i am not a developer from Steinberg, but i understand if you repeatly this issue is annoying you.

Offcourse i can tell you that every so called proffesional musician, have many things they can complain about, you can even sing it in a song, but… that is just a joke. :wink:

It is a good thing you can write down here what is annoying you about this software.


Thank you for your reply!

It’s beyond annoying (aggravating actually) for me, with Autoscroll switching on after being suspended, due to unrelated functions but as time has gone on since when the feature was first introduced, it has gradually dawned on me just how few people, i.e., “professionals” actually understand, which leads me to conclude that these users likely don’t interact with the application(s) enough for the situation to have so annoyed them.

As for the true pros, anyone who visits a forum for DAW software knows instinctively, that the big dollar people, or “A-listers”, as SB refers to them, likely don’t have the time to moan and complain about a specific annoyance, or else their subordinates have to deal with daily problems that so frustrate.

For me, I am doing it all, from composition, to engineering and production, using basic gear (a single Avantone active Mix Cube, with a TC Electronic BMC-2 monitor controller) in the mix phase, and in the record phase, again, I use a BMC-2, with another single Avantone monitor speaker (during recording, I use a Motu 8A, to record stems from notable VSTi’s).

Apart from not being in a treated environment, and having to use spectrum analyzers retrospectively, after an online (AI) master has been rendered, situations like Autoscroll turning back on while being suspended just make one think how much of a joke the situation is, when I am mixing; that’s what you do when you are on a different task, thinking about work from the day before.

Anyway, my love for the software is well known. I do not “believe” I can work without it, which is why I invest my time in particular feature requests, and praise others’ (semi-professional or otherwise) feature requests, when they make sense and are articulated appropriately.

Cheers All!

Hi emotive, i checked the autoscroll functions here and it is working just fine.
I set in the key editor “Page Scroll” and “Suspend Auto-scroll when Editing” works when i select a note in the key editor.

Autoscroll stops and the autoscroll button got the color orange.
So, here it works just fine.

Page Scroll, is the default mode, which is what I have set by default.

Suspend Auto-scroll, when editing, the DAW does that automatically, so while the Auto-scroll function works, I am not actually talking about Auto-scroll, per se, which I have said before but rather I am discussing Auto-scroll Suspend which of itself is actually a feature, that did not exist at the time .all changed to .cpr


Well, this whole feature can be anoying because while the screen is scrolling, automaticaly, you must select the note as if you are catching a fish :smile:

Before we are going to the woods to fish, i can tell you that i did not use this autoscroll, i was looking at it because you was complaining about it, and this feature drives me nuts in 5 minutes, so i do the scroll manualy.

I suppose you know, with the mousewheel in the editor:
mousewheel = up en down
Ctrl-mousewheel = zoom in and out
Shift mousewheel = to the left and to the rigth.

I know that your issue is still the same i think, but we can laugh about it…

Exactly, could not have put it better!

Similar situations, like trying to “catch” tempo, or automation nodes, whilst the display is scrolling, just means the problem is even more widespread.

One can only hope this is looked at within, the current product cycle otherwise one can only question:

“What are the priorities of SBHQ”?

2 separate things:
When you use this Autoscroll, and you zoom in to deep, the screen moves to fast to catch a note.
That, is the situation before you use suspend.

No if you zoom out a little, the screen moves less fast, so how more you zoom out, the slower the screen moves, so you have more time to catch a note, as if the fish are swimming slower :smile:

You mean SBHQ small business headquarders?
That is totaly something else.

That’s right, however even zooming has issues, in that you cannot keep on clicking in the same space, lest the visible area shunt to the left or to the right, depending on which side of the previous click you are now clicking.

All silly IT issues, in my mind; not what one would expect from a “professional” DAW software platform.

So we have to live with that, i think we can get over it, and go on.
To overcome IT issues, while a developer always looking from another point of view.
To make music, offcourse the program in totaly is very advanced and i am glad i have running it stable here, and that is what count first.

Because the computersystem and settings in the UEFI must all be set for realtime audio to avoid crashes.
So, it is not always easy, but we can talk about it.
So you do not have to be to upsad about it.
Good luck.

Thank you Erik, it is a situation that has always made me feel annoyed, like having to think about a job you do not want to do, or loathe so I will keep up the pressure on SB for change, because we are not just talking about one particular issue now (no thread hijack) but something that is a fundamental behavioural aspect of the application, that as you discovered, even after many years of being a professional, that the behaviour, quite frankly is less than spectacular.

You would notice, as well in relation to the fishing analogy, that if you don’t press “F” quickly enough as the screen goes by, it is as if the fish has taken your bait and is far away, where you cannot catch them, nor go back to where you were :slight_smile:

Indeed you are rigth, and if we compare an isue, like we do with the fish, then even a child can understand what the issue is.
But if those kids only learn to fish faster instead of the understanding that working with advanced software is just like a day at work.

Offcourse you are making music with a computer program, just like an accountant use a computer program to do an account, just like you can play a computer game.

In a computer game we can get annoying if we do not win the game :smile:
But, as long as the program works stable, and we can do our job if it is a job, or you do it because you love to make music, and can get issues.

In a case of software crash, is in working with a computer program more annoying then this autoscroll, and you can use autoscroll now as if is a computer game where you must catch the fish, then we are the bears?
lol, no, but that is how you can explain it, and then we can laugh about it, because sometimes a computer can give stress if it does not do what you aspect.
Have a nice day. :+1:

So in this feature autoscroll you discovered a computer game called “catch the fish”
The notes are the fish if you zoom in in the key editor.
To play the game you must do the following settings:
Set autoscroll on > Stationary Cursor
Disable > Suspend Auto-Scroll when Editing

As you know you can doubble click a note in the key editor to remove a note.
Program 20 notes in 1 measure and you can start your game.
While the notes are fleeing by in your screen, you must catch the fish by 1 double click and the fish is gone.

You win this game when all notes are gone.
So, you must not mis, because if you doubble click besites the fish in an empthy area, then you have an extra fish.

a full zoom in is in this game the hardest level.
This is just a compare, and just for fun i write with you how you can make this issue more fun then the developers aspecting :grin:
Because we are so creative…

You can even make the fish bigger and smaller in the screen via 1/1 is the big fish, like whales and sharks, 1/64 Dotted are the little fish…

Erik, I understand but I am also grateful for you testing out this feature, and as well, the title changed, to be more like what I am actually asking for, e.g., changes to Auto-scroll suspend, rather than plain Auto-scroll itself.

Of course, being a daily user of the application, I notice similar behaviours elsewhere in the program, that I think should be addressed as well, and would make the application far more Professional,

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Thanks for understanding, because that you do good, if you want to talk about an isue,
Offcourse, you understand that features like autoscroll is a moving part in the screen, and if that behave is annoying because it not always responding how you aspect, i think the people here can understand it from your point of view.

For so far i started from the start and always had disabled autoscroll because i can scroll manualy faster with the mouse wheel, but, just like in music, timing is everything.

So, if you discover more things, offcourse we can look at that together, so then we are users of this software.
So, making music is advanced anyway in programs like Cubase.
Good luck, and good to see this info, because we can have fun to while we discuss it. :+1: :wink:

I think, after try it out, how you can tell the people here what is annoying you, i think it has to do with start and stop.

When i use “Suspend Auto-Scroll” when playing the tracks, and it moves stationary, when i select a note, scroll stop.

The problem is, if i stop first while autoscroll is working, and then select a note, scrolling start with the selected note at that moment when i push the play button in the transporter.

So, the point is when you must select notes while autoscroll is scrolling, Page Scroll gives you more time to click a note, but it has to do with START and STOP in the transporter.
I do not know if you agree with how i descibe this issue, but maby you can imagen that sometimes this is annoying, but you can simpel click on that Autoscroll button to shut it on and off.

So the other buttons you use are in the transporter, and how autoscroll reacts when you push play after you select a note, while pushing space bar and temporary stop your music to select the note.

After that if you push the play button, the screen moves again.
So at that point you can temporary push the autoscroll button to disable it.

So then it became a dance of some buttons…

So when you use autoscroll you listen and when your locator is in your music in the rigth place you push the spacebar or stop the music in the transporter.
Then you disable autoscroll by pushing the auto scroll button before you push the play button, because then the screen is not scrolling at the moment you want to edit your selected note.
After editing your note you enable autoscroll again to go to your next point.

So always disable autoscroll functions while editing in your key editor.

The point I have been making is, once Auto-scroll is on and is suspended, pressing “F” or the Auto-scroll button, simply turns Auto-scroll back on and depending on where the project cursor is, you might find the screen advancing to bring the next section of the timeline into view, thus making you miss notes and having to scroll back manually.

As you say, like music it is about timing but having to change mode throughout the process of editing of notes, is I will add, time consuming and distracting and doesn’t really address what I am saying.

It seems, we are getting back to the Auto-scroll function itself, but I am talking about Auto-scroll suspend, a distinct feature.


I’ll understand that you talk about the suspend, without that suspend you should push the stop button, but you can not rely on the autoscroll as the only function, you have to use it as it is, and if that is annoying, at this moment you can use manuel scrolling, but you can make your point.

When it is on suspend the music and the cursor don’t stop but the screen stopped auto scrolling, depending how deep you zoom in and if you have the time to click in the area you want to edit your notes.

Because it is all about editing.
You can simply not push the stop and play button when autoscroll is suspend and the button is orange because then it moves again.

Maby they can make this autoscroll suspend a turn of the autoscroll, and if you want to autosrcroll again you can enable it again.
This autoscroll function you can see as a tool that is usefull as you say, but this suspend function you must handle as it is.

Else you better disable the autoscroll function while autoscroll is on, and autoscroll stop moving while playing.

So maby you better do not use this suspend function and instead of that you disable it at that point.

It was me, who asked for the feature (suspend) in the first place.

SB, have always come through with my feature requests because they are reasoned, well thought out and appropriate and I spend a great amount of time with the application, but as the title of the topic says, what I am after is, improvements to the suspend aspect of the Autoscroll feature.

Whether that requires a change to the Autoscroll feature itself, that is up to the developers and people who work at SBHQ but to me, the situation is untenable and needs to be addressed because not only does it affect editing of notes in the Key Editor, it also affects, editing of tempo and automation nodes in the project page.

i’ll understand that you talked to other people about this issue, and offcourse this suspend function is a part of this autoscroll function.

No i am not working at the Small Business Headquarders but i am just like you a user of this forum.
So, that is why i try to give you advice, because you make your point anyway, what i try to do is give you some methodes to avoid this annoying moments that you have now with this suspend function.

So, i can give you this advise only as a fellow user, that offcourse try to give you some air when you are editing.
Because it is not nice if a function gives you this annoying moments, so i am not a developer, so i say, do not use that suspend function till you see any changing in a update.

I hope you can work better on your projects, and you can do your thing.
Offcourse i’ll understand how important it is, to use your DAW.
Nobody is going to buy a program like Cubase like if it is just a computer game…