It seems counter-intuitive that all song parts within a track share global inserts and effect sends. So to create a different effect for a song part one has to add a stack, and only TWO effect sends are available, unless one inserts an FX instead, which is not analogous to working with a mixer and aux sends. OK, I get that maybe the workflow needs to be different for this, but, this means adding far more inserts or FX sends than would be necessary if the FX channels were treated as auxes, as is usual in a mixer. Or am I missing something? If one is setting up a virtual pedal board for example, then switching from one song part to another its where I need the changes, but these become quite burdensome if I have to create Stacks for every song part, and different settings within these. Instead of a bunch of FX Aux channels that I can send to per song part. Or, as I say, am I really missing something? These FX might be shared by other tracks. But if I do it on a track level then it’s constant for the entire song.
Add edit: Just tried adding a Stack to a different part - and I am not allowed to add Track one as its input. It’s greyed out. SO I really don’t understand the methodology here! Help please! How are people setting up Pedalboard type projects (I’m used to MainStage when it’s much like an audio mixer with Aux sends that can be accessed by any input or song part.
Hello, who’s stopping you from inserting a free studio rack from Waves into the FX channel, and then turning off or on effects in it if you’re missing two using automation?
Because automation needs a timeline surely? If I simply want to switch using a FBV pedalboard for example. The whole point of a song part is to have a different setting.
The stack in the mixer has eight more inserts and sends, but they can be linked to a MIDI controller or automated using an automation track, the choice is yours.
My point is that we are already automating by selecting a new “part” - ie patch, so this is another example of task duplication in VSTL, it’s unnecessary and not a good workflow. Universal access to Aux channels from any part is the only sensible solution. Otherwise - what is the point of a song part? New part = new sends or inserts - I don’t think I understand why VSTL works the way it does, and it’s not for me.
What do you mean?
Layers and Stacks have their own channels and are switched with Parts, unless you use the Global Part.
A Stack is a Sub-Mixer.
Each Stack has a dedicated Channel in the Mixer (as do Layers). In that Channel, an additional 8 inserts and sends are available. You may ignore Stack features if you prefer to use audio Inputs only in the Mixer.
I don’t understand that sentences at all. Maybe it would be best to explain what exactly you want to acheive? There is no need to add fx unles you want to use some, wherever you prefer to insert those. It looks to me like you were best off not using Stacks at all,except for setting its input for realtime processing. Then just use the Channel that the Stack provides, and ignore its internal submixer.
Then use the Global Part. Did you discover that yet? Or virtual cables. VST Live offers a lot of possiblilities.
Please just let us know what you want to achieve, then we can help.
No problem with that. It looks like you should discover the Global Part first, but that’s just guessing as we don’t know what you want to achieve.
“Aux” Channels are called “Group” Channels in VST Live, and those are global, or you can create “Song Group” Channels which are bound to a Song. Global Stacks are also available globally (use virtual connections).
“Fx” Channels are just “Group” (or “Aux”) Channels without sends; we omitted those for less complexity, just use Group Channels.