Back to Cubase from Nuendo

C13 to C14 upgrade is so cheap … There was some really cool things in Nuendo for me as a composer which is why I swapped -
Export audio direct to video file
Split Stereo audio to Mono (on same track)
Create markers for video cut detection
Project Location 1 to 4 (more useful than the presets in C13 which I have never used)
Detect Silence - Dialog
Configuration in settings - for all menus.! Love this
Normalize to Integrated Loudness on export.
Create Package - Of Regions (and can import export them)

But unless there are more crossover music functions , I think I’m going back to Cubase as 14 is so cool. I upgraded as there was a very good deal from C13 to N13 … I wonder how many other music users will do the same ? as Cubase seems to keep you more up to date for music and its cheaper to run

I sometimes think the same thing. I upgraded my Cubase license to Nuendo, so I’d have two Nuendo rigs running. But, it would have been cheaper just to keep one on Cubase. For some odd reason, the lag between N13 and N14 seems a lot longer this year.

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I know what you mean , I have now gone back to Cubase and upgrade from C13 to C14 , if Nuendo 14 has new functions for composing I may upgrade that as well , if not Il’ll go back to Cubase for a year :slight_smile:

I’m not a composer, but based on what I’ve read the automation system differences is enough for me to never, ever consider Cubase.

what are the automation system differences ?
I have both running and can see any difference in automation or CPU other that C14 is a little more efficient on Apple silicon

Open up the automation panel and look at the different options. Also, If I understand correctly:

The VCA implementation is different.
The Touch automation implementation is different.

Actually I would add Control Room functionality as well. I couldn’t live without what Nuendo has and Cubase has less.

There’s definitely more automation options in Nuendo and Different VCA system , I don’t use either of these, so I’m alright on that front .

I use the Control Room big time runs all of my studio via my Avid Dock , as far as I know that the same . I could be wrong but don’t notice anything

It’s either the number of sources you can monitor or the number of outputs / destinations that’s different. I forget. All I know is that I’ve answered a “How do I do this?” question about it by Cubase users more than once only to find out they couldn’t do it in Cubase.

For me in post the number of i/o in CR is really the minimum, I wish it was double the amount for sources actually. Can’t ever do with less. For example switching between listening to my 5.1 mix and my stereo folddown, M&E, Mix Minus, and so on. I have one input set up for dialog editing and it goes straight to my center speaker only… and so on.

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got it ,Never noticed Monitor Source before , Ill check that out
I know there is a better Loudness system in Nuendo CR ,

Dam , just looked into the monitor source it’s really good, I’ve been using Cue sends to monitor dialogue or A,B mixes . Monitor source looks like a really good alt way to do this. :slight_smile:

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You’ve been missing out.


I’m gonna have a play , I did notice I could only select a group to send from not a track is that right ?

did some testing and this is the function I was looking for to Monitor my PT rig while still working in Cues . I was hoping there would be a Summing Mode so you could listen to Ext and Mix at once but there wasn’t .

Monitor Source does it . so I’ll be back to N14 lol

Thx for points this out MattiasNYC
