No, no, not really, just temporarily.
One of my clients asked me yesterday to make some changes in a choral project created 4 years ago.
Rewriting everything in Dorico was not an option, so I opened Finale and begun to enter music.
The expected first crotchet note was a half note rest, because I pressed the duration first and even the wrong key.
I felt lost like 4 months ago when I started to enter music in Dorico and I had to strongly concentrate to get back to pitch before duration.
Further I couldn’t remember simple shortcuts like O to hide notes and some custom shortcuts to move lyrics baselines.
Bottom line: It’s indeed not to late to teach an old dog (I’m 68) new tricks but it requires that the dog is willing to cooperate.
The reprogramming of muscle and brain memory is possible. I don’t regret not a second to switch to Dorico, specifically the note and staff spacing (I couldn’t use any JW plugin) is rather tedious in Finale.
Thanks to the development team and the great community here on Dorico - Steinberg Forums