background image next please!

Thanks a lot to Dorico’s team for letting us changing background color in write and engrave mode.
in the future, if we can upload and customize our own background image that would be awesome too.

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“Give 'em a foot, they want a yard. Give 'em a yard, they want a pool in it.”

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I support this, both for the “background before the score” and for the “score paper” background too, like in MuseScore.
Not just because of stylistic reasons, but because IMHO it’s better for the eyes. MuseScore does that very well. Even if you don’t provide some images already, it would be very nice to at least have the feature available, so one can then just drop MuseScore’s pictures in Dorico’s settings.
It is one of the few things that I miss coming from MuseScore.