When I’m adjusting levels on a VST plugin or trying various presets within it, in the Mixer, many times the volume will light up the ‘RED’ overload zone of the channel. OK, so when I make an adjustment to the plugin to reduce the VST volume - and then click on the channel RED overload indicator area, the RED is removed but some plugins that were open will close. The Steinberg plugins and Waves plugins will do this. I haven’t checked all my other vender plugins but in time I will. I will also note that C13 does not exibit this behavior. Are others seeing this in C14?
I’m not, just tried. If I have Always On Top enabled and click the reset the plug-ins remain exactly where they were. If it is disabled the plug-ins still remain open but the are hidden behind the Project Window. However they are still accessible via the Taskbar. This behavior isn’t limited to clicking the indicator to reset, it is the same when clicking anywhere in the Project Window.
Raino, you’re correct, thank you. I was thinking that C13 brought all of my C13 Project choices with it. This resolved, C14 is looking like an improvement on my PC. Any concerns for you?