Bamboozled by brushes

Dorico 5.1.7 on windows 11 with Note Performer 4
I have a simple side drum rhythm as part of an orchestral score that I would like to sound being played by brushes.
I have read the various entries on the forum and I am not sure I have followed what is necessary to achieve this. Daniels original example (presumably because it was done on a mac doesn’t load on my pc)
I have gone into NP and overridden the drum set sound for side drum to brushes which I would have thought would achieve the desired result, but to no avail.
Any suggestions would be welcome!

You need to assign a new playing technique to the snare drum in Edit Percussion Kit:

The playing technique is called “Stir” (not e.g. “Swish”), and after inputting some snare notes you may browse through the playing techniques with Alt+Shift+up/down arrow.

(I assume your tremolo slashes with brush notation mean a stirring motion rather than usual “stick tremolo technique” but only executed with brushes…)

Many thanks @vilirobert for the lesson. Desired result achieved!

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