Bar numbers and rehearsal marks at system start

With rehearsal marks at system start to the right of clef and key signature, is there a way to change Dorico’s behavior for avoiding collisions with bar numbers?

With a short bar number:


With a longer bar number:


I would prefer for the rehearsal mark to move horizontally to avoid the bar number, rather than vertically.

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From Daniel a couple of years ago:

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Thanks. Hopefully “some point in the future” is not too far off!

I note that in Engraving Options, there is already an option to position tempo changes to the right of rehearsal marks instead of under them, so maybe this is a first step.

For this particular issue, I think it would also work to be able to specify a horizontal offset for all rehearsal marks at the start of a system. (Currently, you can only specify an offset if you make them left-aligned with the system barline, not if they’re to the right of clef/key signature.