Bar numbers do not take offset into account on a project imported from Cubase

In my Cubase projet, I set a 1 bar offset so the song starts at bar 1 but I have a bar zero as well.

When I import the project in VST Live PRO v2.1.29.263 with the dawprojet format, my song now starts at bar 2. The Bar offset is not taken into account.

I tried to move the tracks 1 bar left, but the Tempo file does not seem to move.

What can I do ?

Hello and Welcome @Shiroryu,

A Song-Offset is not part of of the DAWproject specification.

That’s correct, because the Media-Clips of the DAWproject have still their original song positions. Without any Bar offset information.

That’s currently not working. It’s already on our Request-List.

… what about “Remove the Bar-Offset temporary in Cubase. Move all events to the new position and do a DAWproject Export”.

See you,

Thank you.

I tried to do this but as I need my song to start un bar 1, I therefore need to move Auduo and Tempo tracks backs 1 bar in Cubase. Because of the Tempo track, audio gets unaligned with the tempo after this. I do not know how to do this correctly in Cubase…