Barline at end of system property

Thank you for the new Barline at end of system property in Dorico 4.0.30!

I wish, that there would also be an option for “none”. In cases, where the repeat bar doesn’t fall together with the barline, Dorico should be able to hide the barline at the end of the system.


For this I use a dashed barline with the dash length set to 0. It’s an easy workaround if you don’t need a true dashed barline in the project.

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this of course being key.

Fortunately, it’s exceedingly rare that I need both dashed and invisible barlines, but it has happened on occasion, in which case I have to just insert a regular barline and delete it in AP. But I use this hack nearly daily. I confess I wish we had genuine hidden barlines, although I can imagine a few scenarios that might make the team reticent to implement them. If nothing else, they would likely be abused by people who don’t know about note spacing tools, for starters. But there are plenty of legitimate reasons for wanting them too. I still get stung by having split bars when it comes to note spacing… but I know this is on their radar.

It just occurred to me it would be pretty easy to make a “dashed barline” glyph to insert as text as well.

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Dan, this topic is about the new property. Workarounds have been my buisness already, but I would like the team to rethink the property and add “no barline” (or a hidden barline) as a option.

(Actually, I think, that Dorico’s notation is semanctically wrong in my case. There should never be a barline, when the repeat sign is not sharing the same position of a barline.)

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Of course I agree it is a valid request, but in the meantime, this is a way to accomplish what you posted: an invisible barline followed by a repeat barline. Which, to my knowledge, was not possible before now. I needed this exact thing last week and had a heck of a time faking it. Now it seems to be much easier.

Thanks for adding the “no barline” option in Dorico 4.1!

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