Barres and fret numbers

Daniel, I set up (maybe rather inadequately) all the barré and half barré playing techniques I wanted - which seems to work OK for me - and for some others to whom I sent the userlibrary.xml file.
For some reason it doesn’t seem to be working properly for John.
I attach it here in case you can see something obviously wrong with it which is causing John problems.
userlibrary.xml (276.6 KB)

Andy, Daniel;
I have a second Mac here with Dorico 4 on it, and I tried the barre entries on it without loading any new files from you. Pretty much the same outcome: just a “C”, or nothing. I must be missing a step or something, or like the water down the plughole, it will never work in the Southern Hemisphere

hi, Andy;
It looks like you haven’t had a reply yet from Daniel.

Well, I cleaned up and cleaned out my library so its nice and thin now, but I can’t load your file, or Daniel’s, either.
I go to Go>go to folder ~/Library/Application Support/Steinberg/Dorico 4, choose the XML file, and I get the message 'Cannot load file: wrong format.
Anything else I do as per your previous advice has no effect: nothing at all appears on my score.


I’m not quite sure what you mean when you say you cannot load the file.
Daniel’s instruction should just open the folder for you to put the new xml file there.
Don’t try to open it, just leave it there. When Dorico restarts it should find it and access it itself.
You don’t have to try to open the file before.

This is what I originally thought, Andy. But nothing happens if I just leave it, and nothing happens if I try doing what I was trying to do, ie to load it.
I’ll get to my other Mac and try it there.
Thanks for your patience

Same result on my other Mac. I’ll describe the steps I;m taking, maybe I’m omitting something.

  1. Select a library item ex C1
  2. Click the plus sign second from left
  3. Click the pencil.
  4. The glyph in the edit box is already selected, so I move it to the trash.
  5. Change ‘glyph’ to ‘text,’
  6. Change Style to Playing Technique
  7. Enter text: CXIII and press OK. At this stage, the edit box is blank. I believe it should contain the text I just typed.
  8. Bring up the popover, type in CXIII, press enter: Nothing appears on the score.


In step 7 - don’t forget to ‘Add text’ before pressing OK below it.

Yep, I do that every time.

Would it be possible to get a Dorico project instead of a user library file?
This would avoid the issue of overwriting one’s library by accident at least
Or a doricolib file if someone has already created it.

Following the helpful suggestions from @MicheleGalvagno, I created a template file which includes all the barrés and positions. Michele has converted this for me into a dorico.lib file which one can import into the ‘Compare’ zone (top right) of the Library Manager as detailed in the manual. I attach the dorico.lib file as Guitar_positions.doricolib and also an example file so you can see the end result plus some instructions on how to use the popovers.
Guitar Library and example (1.8 MB)


Andy - I just discovered this thread. Since I transcribe a lot of guitar music (mostly steel-string fingerstyle), I tried your XLM file. It’s working perfectly!

Thanks for creating and sharing it!

Tom Kearney

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Hi Andy, thank you for your willingness to put up with all this! This is very generous! Seems like you have to do all the work Steinberg didn´t do, if this remark be allowed. Should I put the file from your latest post also into the same folder as the XML file? I am making some progress with this. I got my own barree indicator, now, but what I am still missing is the duration line of the barree, plus the downward showing line that includes the notes to be fretted as barree. I have seen there is a “continuation” button right next to the “general” button in the playing techniques library. When I activate this and click on the notes to be included for the duration of the barree the line does not show. Do you have a suggestion for that, too, or should I re-read the thread because I missed something? Also, as a well meant nudge to Steinberg: guys, is it possible that you please fix this as fast as you can? Classical guitar notation IS standardized, pretty much. Just commit to one style, and please please make it easier for guitarists to enter barree as is common practice. I don´t like sitting here for hours having to put up my own playing techniques library for a standard notation such as barree. This is way too complicated! Sorry for the rant.

I am waiting at the moment for a correction to an error that Daniel tells us (in a different topic) is going to be corrected in the next update. So you might hold fire on changing your userlibrary.xml file.
In the meantime, if you have a Dorico file open, go to Library-> Playing Techniques->Category Guitar and select one of your barré names (e.g.CII) then depending on whether your Playing Technique (PT) is a glyph or a text, you should see one of these.

Once yours looks like this, you can (save as default - the little star) and click OK.
Now when you Command (CTL in PCese) click the first and last notes you watn covered, the barré sign and continuation line should become visible . Hey Presto! I hope.
You could also change the Transition line to match the Duration line.

And I would love Steinberg to take over this since I am not at all conversant with xml files.

Thanks Andy! I ´ve done that, tried it before. The screenshot shows what come out of it. Not desirable. I wonder if I can manually put in the lines, but I guess that will be a lot of fiddeling around since then the icon will not behave as a unit.

Found the solution - it must be written under one beam…

Yes, the notes have to be in the same voice.
Very glad it worked!

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